Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

We all know what day it is.
It's Monday! Just kidding it's Valentine's Day.

I've gone through phases where I've been all about Valentine's Day, and also gone through the SCREW VALENTINE'S DAY ARG phases. This year, I'm slightly apathetic.

I've never had the best love life luck. I distinctly remember one year I made a valentine for a guy I like. However, I didn't want people to get too suspicious, so I ended up making Valentines for all of my friends. But, I did make the message inside extra special from the heart! ...Yeah, too subtle Hannah.

Thankfully, I've learned from those ridiculous days. Still, I continue to struggle in the dating department. Why? I'm way to picky.
I'm working on it!
Really, I don't have much to celebrate. I'm not set up on any blind dates, and I don't have a boyfriend/fiance/husband. That leaves me in the "Well, what am I supposed to do?" group. Eh. Alas, I'm not in the mood to be a Debbie Downer on everyone's parade. Toss your Single's Awareness Day vibe behind! Don't snarl at the pink hearts! Join in the festivities, even if it's with your friends!

I spend most of the day working on a speech. Aw yeah.

Oh, and also... I got y'all a Valentine gift!

I made you a mix tape. Oh snap.

And that's what I learned from a fictional character for this week. Make a mix tape for people, especially the mother of your child.
I'll post a real one next week.

Happy Valentine's Day y'all!


  1. Haha, Valentine's Day is always weird for me--I've always celebrated it as my mom's birthday instead of the romantic holiday. But as for the romance, I've only had a boyfriend for one of them, so I'm pretty apathetic.

    Pickiness is good, as long as it doesn't close you off to people who just require a little digging before you see how awesome they are.

  2. Happy belated Valentine's Day, lady!

    I was totally like you in college in regards to dating. Until I met Marcus, I was like, seriously? Not interested in dating duds, creepers and Peter Pans.
