Friday, February 4, 2011

A Tad Off, The Rules of the Universe, Fugitive and Calming Down

Today was just one of those days where I was a tad off. I woke up about two hours later than usual, ate breakfast and lunch two hours later, lifted weights and did planks... You get the picture.
Actually, the day was just kind of odd in general.

One of the many Rules of the Universe came into play today. The rule is, "The one day you dress down and think to yourself, 'It doesn't matter what I'm wearing right now', you will be in a situation that requires you to look decent. Strolling back to the dorms after going to the RSC, I was called out to do an interview. This was the day when I was wearing basketball shorts, sweatshirt, and the skin was not in peak condition. However, being interviewed was pretty cool! The people were recording it to show at a university conference or something to convince other schools to build eco-dorms. Afterwards, I instantly started thinking of things I could have done better,but you know what? Life goes on, and you can't change the past. I need to practice my camera skills still.

The evening was filled with a game of Fugitive. The game happened to be without cars, but it still worked. A few of my hall mates and I signed up, but guess what they did? They didn't show up. Geez, I'm seriously getting tired of people backing out on me all of the time... At least say you're not going before and not at the time of the event!
Alright, I'll stop ranting. I almost came into this post with an angry mood (all I'm going to say is people messing with my cookie dough dip), but I waited. I chilled out a bit, and here we are with a (hopefully!) calm sounding post.

Can I just say Community is one of my favorite shows ever? I might even consider it my favorite show. It seriously makes me laugh out loud for large chunks of time. ...I talk about it a lot, don't I?

Oh my goodness! I've realized that I can never have candy in my room, can I? I simply munch on it constantly! Curse you delicious butterscotches!
Have a lovely evening everyone!

When was the last time you were caught off guard?

1 comment:

  1. Community is just hysterical. The cast is absolutely perfect.

    I don't even think I could pick a favorite character, really.
