Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Class of Conceptual Simplicity and Superheroes

Sometimes, we're faced with a class that we expect to be simple. The idea of the class is something you're good at, so you should do fantastic right? Unfortunately you're greeted with not so pleasing results. That's the current state of me and Public Speaking. I've worked my rear off for her stupid speeches, yet nothing is quite perfect enough for her! I'm just ticked that I'm most likely going to end up with a B in a class matter I should be getting an A in. Rrrgh.
I simply needed to get that off my chest. Now for something completely different!

Usually my little mail slot is lacking in the magazine category (or mail category for that matter), but today I was greeted with the most wonderful sight ever:

Dear mom, you are amazing. Especially since the subscription to the magazine wasn't originally mine to begin with. However, seeing how now I shriek like a Justin Bieber fan at any new issue, I think there's a valid reason my mom thought of me.
It's funny really. I act like the new issue of Seventeen or some fashion magazine when I get a new issue. Don't get me wrong, I love those magazines too. Yet... nothing compares. I read the articles thinking, "Oh my gosh, I totally thought that same thing!" You can bet this is how I was acting when reading the Oscar predictions.

In the pages of the EW, there was quite a bit of talk about superhero movies. With the addition of the Fantastic Four playing on the TV while I was working out, I knew that I simply needed to discuss superheroes.

I'd like to think a large chunk of my life has consisted with a never ending stream of superhero movies. Therefore, there are a lot of superheroes to choose from in figuring out who is your favorite. I'm pretty sure that most people have a favorite superhero, even if they aren't a big fan of the genre. My top superhero? Definitely Batman.

Nananananananana BATMAN!
Why? I don't think I need to explain how freakin' cool he is. Yet, Christian Bale isn't my favorite superhero actor. My favorite superhero actor is Robert Downey Jr. just 'cause I like him as an actor. I think it's his facial expressions.

Oh, on the topic of the new Superman? He looks... like he's supposed to be Superman.
I believe that's enough chatter of superheroes for awhile, yes?

Who's your favorite superhero?

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