Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Disappearing Days and Odd Running Habits

It's another one of those days that seemed to simply dissipate into thin air.

Have you ever had those days where you felt like you were busy all day, yet still feel like you didn't get anything done? That's exactly how today felt.

I suppose I did study for my Spanish exam tomorrow... yet when you have no physical work to show for it, somehow it feels like less.

Today I went for a run, and I'd just like to state that Oregon is back to its rainy self. Seriously.
When I started running, there was no rain. Alas, as I ran back home it was pouring.

If you were to ever watch me running, it would be an extremely odd sight. The odd thing is not my form, because I run in a pretty standard form. It's what I do while I run that is just peculiar.
When I run on the treadmill, you can see me lip syncing to whatever song that is playing on the trusty ipod. I used to be self conscious of it, but now I really don't care.
As for outside, I tend to look like I'm delivering something. I've ran with DVDs in my hand, books, kettle corn... Today I think topped all of my past running looks. If you were to see me running today, you would have seen a girl soaked to the bone carrying a discount bag of dark chocolate kisses and talking on the phone. That's just how I roll.

Once again I ask, where has this day gone? That's life.

What odd things have you done while exercising?

1 comment:


    Lady, you totally just made my day.
