Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Topic of Twitter

Oof. There's just something about Wednesdays, isn't there? It's like my week just builds up tension until Thursday, then there's a sigh of relief.

Now let's change to something completely different, shall we?

Technology is an incredible thing. It's amazing how ideas have been formed and molded into something no one thought was even possible ten years ago. (Perhaps even less than that!) Just think of the telephone. First there was the simple idea of communicating with someone far away without shouting to them in the distance. There were people who actually did that, it's true. That led to the telephone... which led to the cell phone. I didn't think I was supposed to feel old at 19, but I remember when there was a CAMERA on a phone! First you can take it anywhere, but now you can take pictures too? Then we take a look at today, where I pretty much could live on a desert island with only my cell phone. Plus now it's "You don't even have a camera on your phone? Poor thing!"

With the world become a technological utopia, there are some forms of technology that I have not latched myself onto. Sure, much of the rest of the world has attached themselves to these things, but there is one specific technology that I simply haven't gotten into. This is going to make me sound like an elderly person who just doesn't understand what "the Facebook" is, but I just can't into one thing:


The more I've thought about it, the more I've kind of wanted to. But the thing is, I don't really have any use of it. From my understanding, it seems only useful for celebrities to make people know even more about their lives or those who write witty one-liners.

Twitter doesn't seem like a bad thing. I've heard stories where Twitter can help peoples' businesses, or help them earn revenue in ways no one has thought of before. However I don't have a business to make. I suppose the business I could be promoting would be myself, but I'm not sure what I would say.

So, I ask you Internet: What is the point of having a Twitter if you are not:

A)A celebrity who has millions of people wondering when they brush their teeth
B)Someone promoting their business, or a business promoting themselves or
C) A narcissistic person who just thinks the world needs to know how they're feeling 24 hours a day in 140 characters or less.

I'm not hating on you if you do have a Twitter. I just don't see the point in having one myself, but I'd like to know if there would be a good reason to have one.

(Besides, I blog about my life. I think about songs I would use in my biopic. I tend to have the looming idea of self-importance, something that is indeed Stuff White People Like. I've got the narcissism thing down pat.)

Therefore, I ask What's a good/bad reason to have a Twitter account?

1 comment:

  1. I like to keep track of interesting friends/other bloggers/celebs. Basically I skim the most fascinating people off of Facebook (since let's face it, most people are whine-y vaguebookers) and go from there.
