Monday, February 6, 2012

Workout Day and Grammar

Do you ever have those days where it seems like it just disappeared? Mine certainly felt that way.

Today was exercise day apparently. Hey, it was probably necessary due to the consumption of cheese and chocolate that happened yesterday. In any case, it was a workout day to me. Ran, did Zumba, did some lifting... Not a usual thing for me. Another punch card work out completed! Eighteen to go.

Once upon a time, I thought that I knew grammar. I knew the common words, I knew it's was it is, and I knew how sentences should work. Apparently I do not. There are many sentences that I believed sounded correct, when they were in fact not right at all. I've probably made some grammatical mistakes in this post already! My mother is convinced that I do know all of this stuff, but I highly doubt it.
For instance, I use the word actually all of the time. That is a word you should avoid, according to grammar class.

As long as I get a good grade, I'm happy.

For my goals, because I like to keep updated:
  • Calcium+Vitamin D has been regular. Huzzah.
  • Not sure how much time I spent on the computer in the last few days, but it certainly has been less. I spent a long time reading a magazine today, instead of turning on the computer. I thought the computer lack was supposed to make me more productive though... Whoops.
  • One punch used!
  • No money spent on soda or gum, nice.
It's a kind of random day, isn't it? Hm. I need to get ready for bed, or what's up ahead. There's a midterm in my future, and I'd like to get a head start on that know how.

Do you have good grammar? Do bad grammar habits annoy you? (I know I can't stand when people use the wrong your or there.)

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