Thursday, February 16, 2012

Advising Advice

We're already at Thursday for the week, aren't we? Wow, winter term is flying by.

I had two different things to talk about today, but I ended up writing a lot more than expected about one of them. We'll talk about the other one tomorrow.

From my time that I've spent in college I've learned that no matter what, you will get screwed with advising. At the same time though, it's a really good idea to go to advising.

Once upon a time, I was a transfer student coming to a school that had all sorts of different requirements. I knew that I would like to do Journalism as my major, so I planned out my first term with all of the prereqs needed before applying to the J school.When I went to an advisor during orientation however, she exclaimed, "No, don't do all of those J classes in one term! Spread them out to two terms. You need 35 credits from the UO before you apply anyways."

So I listened to her. I was skeptical, but she knew more than I did. Before I started my first term, I went to a J school advisor as well. She said it wasn't necessary, but a decent plan for my first term.
Later, I wanted to study abroad. I had the term all figured out, and was ready to get into the Gateway program as soon as possible. I discussed with an advisor again at the end of the fall term.
"NO." she snapped. This was in reply to starting the Gateway program spring term. It wasn't offered then, but I didn't know. At least I knew now, before I tried applying for the class then.

Coming back to today, I talked to an advisor again. I decided to get on the ball before everyone else was rushing in during the end of the term. The lady I talked to today was a lot nicer than the jerk during fall term. I found that I was screwed over with the spreading out of the pre-reqs (as I kind of knew), but I also found out I could take certain classes earlier that I didn't know I could before. Classes that will help make graduating on time a lot more realistic. (If I get into them. We'll work on that.)

Sure, I've been screwed by the advisers. I tried as hard as I could to not be, but I think it's something you can't escape. On the other hand, I've also learned many useful things from going to advising. Overall, for any kid in college or about to go to college, I say go to advising. It may help you graduate on time. Try to get a few opinions though.

Like I said, didn't realize how much I'd talk about that. It's an interesting thing to think about though. I know plenty of people who have been screwed by advising. The only ones I know who haven't have their entire college careers planned out as soon as they move into their first dorm.

Now it's time for me to make like a bee and buzz off. Oh, I'm so witty.

Did you ever have problems with advising? Or did advising help you a lot in school?

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