Friday, February 17, 2012

Sweet Treats and Things to Eat

I didn't mean to talk about that so much, but it happens. What can you do?

If there's one thing the Internet loves more than cats, it's ridiculous baked goods. Along with reading a cooking blog or two, I have seen treats upon treats all over the web that make me drool. Pinterest is basically food porn. Like chocolate chip cookie dough truffles:

or maybe Reese's cheesecake brownies:
Or perhaps chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake bars?

Guh. I die. Can you tell I love cookie dough/cheesecake/peanut butter? Because those are my favorite desserts.

Along with the Pinterest food deliciousness, I've been reading all about Cake Week. It happened this week, and what happened was a group of bloggers each made a different type of cake. Honestly, I'm not a cake person. Sure, there are some delicious cakes, but it's not at the top of my dessert list. I will chow down on the batter like a madman however. Any type of batter? I will lick the bowl clean. That's probably the reason I love cookie dough so much.

So I don't like baked goods, I like un-baked goods? Oh dear. Probably not good for my health.

On the actual baking side of things, I'm not much of the cake or brownie maker. I can make a pretty swell chocolate chip cookie, or more likely dough. There is one baked good that I do love, and it's baking bread.
As you may recall, I bought a bread baking book earlier this summer that I lovingly call the Bread Bible. Since then, I've baked 21 different loaves of bread from the book, not including the ones that I've repeated. I've had some ups and downs with my breads, like not baking long enough or baking too long. I've had many that didn't rise very well. Actually, the breads I've tried baking in my oven here have been having the most issues... Then again, I think my oven turns off in the middle of baking. I'm not sure if I can confirm this, but the little light turns off on the outside that says, "Oven on". So that might be happening.
Anyways, one of the breads that I've been baking that I find delight in are sweet breads, or quick breads. Alright, these don't really count as real breads. It's like when you justify having a muffin for breakfast. Stop lying to yourself, that's cake without the frosting.

I baked some strawberry bread this week because I though UFO was having another bake sale. Turns out they're not until next week. Perhaps I'll make the strawberry bread into breakfast bread instead. Strawberry and peanut butter? Odd but good combo.
So here's some of what I can bake:

Eat your heart out Pinterest.

Oh, what am I saying? My bread looks sad. However, it does taste like fresh strawberries, even though they were frozen. Perhaps I need a better place to model my food? My kitchen is very sad and has icky lighting.

Well, I'll keep working on the bread baking thing. I do have more than 300 recipes left in that book.

What's your favorite dessert? What's your dessert making specialty?

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely still trying to cultivate dessert making as a habit. I figure if I learn it now, then I'll be prepared for bake sales of the future.

    Re: Food modeling, I would say look for a place that has a window nearby, OR I've been known to bring my food to an area where there is more light (the living room or a windowsill) and snap it quick there.
