Saturday, April 30, 2011
Life, Death, and Accomplishments
What brought on the thoughts about life and death, you may ask? Well, because of the ability to view things instantly on Netflicks, I've recently started to watch the show Dexter. Which it turns out, is very addicting. The funny thing about shows like Dexter are that it's not the characters so much that freak me out, but the writers. I mean, they think up all of these ideas for killers, disposing of the body, horrifying death techniques... What a thing to be able to conjure up in your mind. I think they're all pretty brilliant, but it's terrifying that they can come up with so many of these horrendous situations. I digress.
I wouldn't say that I'm scared of death. What freaks me out is the unknown of after death. There are so many theories, beliefs and ideas of what happens after death, it's hard to sort them all out. Being raised with some spiritual views, I'd like to believe that there really is an afterlife, a positive settings. However at the same time, my mind thrives on facts. I don't like going with one idea unless I know that it's the correct answer 100%. This is the same reason that on tests I'm so bad at going back and forth between answers.
Still, I think there's another part of death that worries me as well. It's the not knowing when it's going to happen. If I were given the option of finding out when I was going to die, I wouldn't take that offer, but it's still scary not knowing when it's going to happen. People want to be about to achieve as much as possible before they die, and I'm no exception. I think that's why I crave getting things done so quickly, it's because I want to have time to do the next thing. If I get done with school faster, it'll give me more time to do other things in my life.
I know they say to live in the moment, but I'm always looking towards the future. It's really not that great of a habit, because sooner than later I'm going to be looking at the past thinking, "What happened then?" I think the only time I really live in the moment is when I'm going for runs, and even then I sometimes think of things in the future. For the most part though, running is my living in the moment. I just don't realize it until I start.
So, yeah. That's what's was on my mind for today's run. Hopefully I didn't scare all of you off. Other than that... Been unproductive.
What are your opinions on life and death?
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Wedding, Tests, Easter Candy and Movies
First of all, let's start with the Royal Wedding. Weirdly enough, I woke up to go to the bathroom five minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. My bladder has good timing I guess.
My gang and I ended up only watching about the first half hour before shuffling back to bed. Yeah, I guess we're not as hard core as some people, but honestly? I just wanted to see the dress. Personally, I would not go for the lace sleeves, but she looked lovely. And there were some crazy hats.
Getting a test back can either make your day terribly dismal or extremely cheerful. When you get two tests back in one day, those emotions can be doubled either way, or canceled out depending on opposing scores. One of the tests that was returned to me today was my Spanish test. When I originally took it, I felt pretty good about it. That confident attitude was riding with me until Profesora wrote the class scores on the board. Only one A, two Bs, three Cs, 5 Ds and 4 Fs. Those were not good odds. However, if you looked at what I wrote at the beginning of this post, you would have already realized by now that yes, I did do quite smashingly. In fact, I was the only A. Aw yeah.
My other test that I got back? History of Fashion. I was terrified, even though I thought I did alright. All the professor told us was that the scores were to the extremes on both ends. I just wanted a B. Instead... I got an A! Woohoo!
Goodness, I shouldn't be bragging about my grades but it just feels so good!
As for other things in my life, all I can say is take a look at this:
This is my last piece of Easter candy, and now it is gone. It's bittersweet really. I need to get my rear back into full gear, and having no more Easter candy helps. Still, I will miss its deliciousness.
As a last note from me, I now have a new distraction. I just found out that my dad got Netflicks, and I happened to learn his password. Instant movies and television shows? Oh dear. I just watched The Graduate, which it has been years since I've seen it. I don't understand why people love that movie so much because story wise? It's a little bit... odd. I don't know if I want to root for the main character, because his motives are a bit off-kilter.
Do you still have Easter candy?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Spring, Advising, Loosing Things and The Royal Wedding
Having an advising appointment is awkward when you have to say you're transferring somewhere else. Just... Really awkward.
I know that's it's an old expression, but my room mate would lose her own head if it wasn't attached. My reasoning for this is quite valid. You see, weekly, maybe even daily there is something that she looses within the depths of her mountains of clothes. For the last week, something even bigger than usual went missing: her wallet. Now, that's a pretty serious thing to lose. So she's been searching everywhere for it: her clothes piles, her friends' rooms, anywhere she's been. Luckily, she found it today. IN HER BACKPACK. I know that I can be forgetful, but that's just ridiculous.
With the strangely large masses of Americans, I too am getting a little excited for the royal wedding. I think the reason that it's so exciting for the rest of us is because it's like the fairy tale dream we all hope for. There's one disadvantage to wanting to watch the wedding though. So, you know how you East Coasters will see the wedding ceremony start at 6? It starts at 3 over here. In the morning.
I plan on waking up with some of the people in my hall, then going straight to bed as soon as the ceremony is over. Sorry, but that's ridiculous.
Are you excited for the royal wedding? Are you waking up for it?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Car Troubles, Contradictions and Summer Classes
I woke up at 7:25 AM, went to the bathroom, and when I returned to my room I saw that I had missed a call on my phone from my mother. Before I could even look at the text message that was also sent, the phone rang again. It turns out that my mom's car broke down in C-town and she needed me to drive down to pick her up so she could use the van. I was able to get it to her, but what a crazy way to start out the morning.
It stinks because she just got the car checked up, and the van was just fixed. "I guess we'll have to get a car sooner than later... even thought we don't have the money," she muttered. See? It's phrases like this that make me freak out about money. She'll try to comfort me in other situations when I start saying I should be concerned about money, and she tells me not to worry. Then she goes and says something like this. My mother is the queen of contradictions.
As for the rest of the day, I signed up for Financial Aid for summer classes. Yes, I'm taking Spanish to get it over with. This will clear up a huge chunk of time needed for the rest of my school years, because I'll need all of the room I can get the next few years.
15 hours of Spanish every week? Oh joy. The biggest downside to this is that it'll be hard figuring out a work situation, but I'm lucky enough to be able to work for my mom if needed. Which seems to be the case.
Welp, time for me to head off to bed. Night!
Have you ever taken summer classes? What were the classes?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
So About That Big News...
![]() |
The web cam and I? Do not get along. |
I know that I go to a wonderful school, but I know it's not for me. The thing about my school is that because it's pretty small, there aren't a lot of options available for majors. And with the major that I'm now 95% positive that I want to go into, it's not available over here. I could go for another major here, but I don't think I'd be happy going for the majors here. They are terribly specialized in the main majors that they offer here, which is good. However, if you're not going for one of their main majors, you don't get much attention.
Another reason that I wanted to transfer is because the environment around here isn't for me. This is a beautiful campus, and the classes are fantastic. As for the weekends, there's not much going on. People usually drive home, or to Corvallis, or Eugene. If you do end up staying here, it's very lonely. Walking around is eerily quiet, like a ghost town situation. I'd like to be at a place where I could be in the action. I wouldn't have to drive pretty much back home. I know that a lot of people her go home for the weekends. I can't stand it.
This hasn't been a sudden decision. I've thought about it long and hard. This is what I want to do. All of my family members have been saying to me, "Oh, you're going to the same school as your sister! I bet you're excited about that." Honestly? That was almost a con. When starting school, I wanted to go somewhere that I could call my own, not my sister's school, or whatever. That was part of the appeal of WOU, it was going to be my school. Now, I'm okay that it'll be my school. I guess that it's my sister's school, but we'll have different parts of it be our school. My favorite places won't be her favorite places, and my classrooms that remind me of classes close to my heart will be different from hers. It may be her school, but I'll make it my special school.
Transferring is scary, but it's what I want to do. Some of the classes I've taken don't transfer as nicely, but I'll figure it out. (Some feel like a complete waste.)
I'll always love WOU. But I'm ready to love UO.
All of my family knows now, but I don't think anyone here knows officially that I'm transferring. How on earth do you break that news?
In other news, I've got to stop with the random dozing off! I think that this is why it's better for me to have more classes, because I've just been so lazy! It could just be this week though... Productiveness, full speed ahead!
Have you ever thought about transferring? What did you decided on, and how did you decide on doing it?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Getting Back to the Grind, Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters, and Upcoming Decisions
Since it is indeed Monday, I have a little bit of knowledge that I have gained from fictional characters once again. This lesson I have learned from many shows and stories in the past, but the lesson came up again when I saw the show Wicked.
Spoiling a little bit of the story, there is a part in which Elphaba who is on the run goes to the home of her sister. Now, throughout the whole story we've seen Elphaba be a worried and doting sister. She cares for her sister a lot, but especially since her sister is in a wheelchair. In return, Nessarose, the sister, goes through angry teen rebellion and disregards any kindness her sister has bestowed upon her. Back to the present situation, Elphaba has been learning some pretty sweet sorcery, so she figures out a way make her sister walk. Does Nessarose shower her sister with love and affection? No! She's still a bitch, and blames her sister for actions that she causes 5 minutes in the future.
It may not seem like it, but there is a lesson in this whole scenario. That lesson is that truthfully, you can't change people. They are how they are, and most likely that's how they'll always be.
"But Hannah," you may ask, "Aren't there a bunch of fictional stories out there where a character has a change of heart? Like the Grinch?"
Yes, I suppose that's true. Also, I'd wonder why you couldn't think of another example. (That's all I could think of at the moment.) I realize that there are so many stories where a character gets a makeover, completely remakes themselves... Yet, I've also seen endings to many of these stories where the character goes back to the way they were before, or incorporates their new habits into their old lifestyle. Humans are stubborn on change.
Psychology has proven that point to me even more, as we've been learning about happiness. There are studies on people winning the lottery or getting in horrendous accidents. The studies show that despite the winnings, they aren't usually happier. Or, the people in the accidents are still quite positive.
It's good to make little habits of change, and it can be completely possible. These things tend to be over time. However, doing a total 180 on yourself or someone else isn't very likely. That's why they say people shouldn't go into a relationship thinking, "Despite the long history of violence, my loving heart can change them!" ...That doesn't always turn out for the best.
I'm very excited for summer being so close! Still... there are things that I'm having trouble deciding. I'm trying to get better with the over thinking, but it's so hard. Just go with it Hannah. Seriously.
Have you ever tried to change someone? How did it turn out?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Celebrations
So what was included in this lovely day? Well, it all started with my parents, sister, family friends and I going to service at 8:30 in the morning. Unsurprisingly enough, the sister was not looking forward to this from lack of sleep throughout the week. As for me, I didn't really care much since my internal clock decides that 7:15 is about the right time for me to wake up any day, despite any lack of sleep.
After we got back, we had "brunch" at 11:30. I personally would consider this lunch. As soon as Round 1 was over, Round 2 revved up. Round 2 included hiding Easter eggs around the house, extreme lounging, modeling sessions and playing around with cousins.
Can I admit that I've accidentally fallen asleep twice today? Once was while sitting straight up at a table, the other time was about three hours ago. Probably not the best since I should probably be going to be soon, yet I'm starting to get energy again.
Yes, there were pictures. Unfortunately, I do not have the camera that has said pictures. Actually, I don't have my camera at all. I'll have to get that back later.
Hope everyone had a fun Easter!
What did you do to celebrate Easter?
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Busy Days, Wicked, Car Troubles Return, and Letting My Cake Boss Show
Actually, I feel like I haven't gotten a chance to look at my usual blogs! I don't know why it's been so go go go, but it has.
For instance, as soon as I was done with all of my classes yesterday, I drove back on home and got ready for the evening ahead. Last night, as I said before I went with my family to the show Wicked. The whole reason we got to go had to do with my mom being an alumn, and there was a whole night with dinner.
The show was very fun! After seeing it, it felt like I was in on some big inside joke. Things flew around, there was some wonderful singing... It was just a fun production!
After the show, a not so fun thing happened to occur. Remember how I was talking about the putt-putting of the good old van? Well, I hadn't taken it in because every time I mentioned it, my mother would say, "Wait to get it done! Your dad can fix it!" Um... After the show, it decided to break down. Currently, it be in the shop, but it thankfully will be back in full swing by Tuesday.
Today was a day full of cooking and getting ready for tomorrow. Usually Easter doesn't become a very big thing at my house, just the simply Easter baskets and dinner. Tomorrow however we're doing brunch with some friends in the morning, and having a bunch of our family members coming over for dinner. The candy has become like rabbits (ha) and multiplied. The food in the house has grown. Fridges that were once empty are now filled with goodies to be cooked up tomorrow. Madness.
One of the last minute things that was made? This little beauty:
Yes, I'm letting my Cake Boss show. Aw yeah.
Hopefully after this weekend, there shall be more time to talk about all of the stuff happening in life like interesting and exciting things!
Have you ever let your Cake Boss show? (As in, what's the most interesting looking treat you've ever made?)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Weekend Time and Roller Skating
I'm so glad that it's the weekend! Then again, I'm always glad that it's the weekend.
My hips have been surprisingly sore today. Before everyone's mind goes straight to the gutter, I have an extremely reasonable and goofy reason. Yesterday, I pulled out the good ol' roller skates and rolled to the store. Might sound a bit odd, but I happen to enjoy roller skating. The thing about roller skating is if you're not on completely solid smooth ground, it can be tough. As a friendly suggestion, if you want to get somewhere quickly, don't roller skate to your location. The speed of roller skating is only slightly faster than walking. Still, it is a oddly strenueous exercise. Therefore, I am sore.
Really, can't talk too much. Writing this entry on a phone, and I'm a tad distracted. More info on it later.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Reactions to Exercise, Emotional Shopping and Feeling Good
Today was my extremely relaxed day of the week for me, and it certainly seemed to stay that way. I suppose I wasn't too productive today, but I felt pretty productive when I got an early morning run in. Even if the rest of the day doesn't include much, you feel like you've accomplished so much when you squeeze in a workout earlier in the day.
It's funny how drastically different reactions can be from people when you are exercising.
For instance, I was on a run a few days ago when a little boy asked his mom, "Why is she running?" The mom cheerfully replied, "It's for exercise!" It was a cute little reaction that I had never gotten before, but on that same run I received some not so nice comments as well. On the way back home from my run, a car crammed full of meat heads drove by. I should have realized there would be trouble as soon as I saw them, but didn't think about until I heard, "Show me your titties!" ...Yeah. And I was starting to thing there weren't the prick stereotypes that every other college has, but these guys proved me wrong.
The reactions you get from people when you exercise are so varied, you can never be sure just what to expect. I've received kind smiles and evil glares. I've gotten the "Good Mornings!" and the grumbles. It's just one of those weird things about the world, isn't it?
I have a confession: Recently, while I was feeling a little down I did a bit of emotional shopping. This is a crazy concept for me, because I hardly like to spend money in general. However, emotion got the better of me, and today I was greeted with this little package:
I've always liked puzzle pieces, and I like thinking about where they fit. It might sound kind of goofy, but it makes me think about just where do I fit in this big ol' world. I know that I'm needed for something, I just don't know what that is yet.
Today was just a happy day. There's one big reason why, but that's information for a later post.
Now I'm a little worried about a Spanish exam tomorrow, and also the fact that I can't find my Spanish workbook. I can study from the textbook, but I'm going to need that workbook later... Wish me luck in finding it!
Have you ever been an emotional shopper? What did you buy because of it?
(Oh, also random last bit of info: A himation is from the Greeks and has less fabric, the toga is from the Romans and has a ton of fabric. Now you know!)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Random Necessities, Crazy Hair, Hall Playfulness, Candy and Easter
It's funny how necessary little things are in everyday life. My currently missing little necessary thing is tweezers. Before, I didn't think about how beastly the eyebrows could become. And believe me, they can be beastly. Visiting home this weekend means taking advantage of the tweezers. Okay, enough talk about hair. Goodness.
Since I've been in college, it feels like my maturity level has gone down in certain areas. Sure, I've learned how to be more responsible for certain situations, but in other cases my maturity has been very low. Case in point? Earlier this evening my RA created a hall Easter egg decorating event which turned into an Easter egg hunt. If you happened to pass by this dorm earlier, you would have seen a bunch of college students dashing through the halls frantically searching couch cushions for plastic eggs. After said event, I stuffed myself silly with Easter candy to the point of feeling a little nauseous. Eh, no regrets!
When it comes to Easter candy, I enjoy having some jelly beans. The rest of the year they don't really work, but they seem to fit the light, playful feel of the holiday.
However, jelly beans are the equivalent of Lima beans when it comes to my favorite candy of all time. Four words: Reese's peanut butter eggs. Really anything that combines the deliciousness of chocolate and peanut butter is an A+ in my book.
I know that not everyone celebrates Easter. Also, I know that the main idea around Easter is supposed to be for religious purposes. But c'mon! The most fun part of the holiday is finding pastel-colored treats all around whether it be decorations or eggs.
Hmm. Suppose that wasn't a lot of random stuff, but it felt like it when I first started writing it. Time to get myself to bed!
What's your favorite candy of all time?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Lighter Nights, Summer Plans and Applications
Well, it was when I wrote that. Whatever.
Because summer vacation is coming up sooner than later, I've been thinking about options to have during the summer. My first plans were to take Spanish intensive classes at the local community college, but it seems that they do not have the program I'm looking for. There are other schools that I could try to find information about, but I don't know exactly how it would all work. For now, I'm doing the next best thing. I'm looking for summer jobs.
Applying for jobs is a lot more obnoxious than any other part of the job it seems. Filling out applications is repetitive, and sometimes they want to know some odd information. And sometimes... I realize things that I didn't know before (and probably should have known).
The main example? I have no idea what one of my old supervisor's last name was. She was a mysterious boss, who only went by her first name. She was like Seal, or Madonna. No one called her by her full name.
This has only gotten to be a problem for the applications that require the last names... I suppose I must find an old pay stub.
Been a busy, studying day. Tomorrow looks like it's going to be another one. Whooho.
What has been the strangest thing you've ever been asked on a resume? Or what's the strangest thing you didn't know for a resume?
Monday, April 18, 2011
Naps, Surprising Tests and Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters
That's an interesting way to start off a post, isn't it? Anywho...
As I've been talking about for the last few days, I had my History of Fashion test today! Last night I was terrified, muttering answers and thinking, "I'm going to fail. I should have never taken this class. I am going to fail." Needless to say, the positive energy was not flowing within me. However, when I got to the test I realized that I knew a lot of the information better than I thought I would! It was a tough test, but I think I did alright. Besides, when you've got to know the difference between this:
and this:
it can get a little stressful.
(The first one is a Himation, the second one is a toga. There's also something else that looks like a toga that I might not have gotten on the test...)
It's Monday, so that means I must look back upon knowledge that has been given to me from fictional characters. I can't really remember what show this is from, but I remember a specific lesson I've seen in a lot of things. One idea/style/trait/whatever becomes really popular. Naturally, the main character either wants in or can't stand whatever the popular thing is. By the end of the episode, the main character might get into the idea, or continue to shun it. Usually it's the former. Anywho, by the end of the episode whatever became popular fades into the distance and something new comes along. Which brings me to this:
Things come and go. You shouldn't stress out about one little detail, because for the most part things usually blow over.
I honestly have a lot of trouble with this, but I try to work on it. Sometimes there are things that I constantly fidget over, like if I took the right turn, if I accidentally came late/early to something, whatever. But honestly? Some things are just not big deals, and the only one making it a big deal is you. It's a work in progress. Besides, who needs extra stress?
No more tests until Friday! Woohoo! And the homework front isn't looking too scary for the rest of the week.
When was the last time you way over thought a situation?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Studying and Psychology Tests
The main reason that I don't want it to be tomorrow is that I happen to have my history of fashion test tomorrow, and despite the studying I still don't feel ready. This is why I shouldn't have taken a higher level class... Blah.
It's kind of weird, but I'm feeling less confident about how I'm going to do this term than my other terms. I have less credits, but I feel like I'm struggling more. That's not how it's suppose to work! I think it's because the classes are a lot harder for me. Really, I just want it to be next Friday right now.
For my Psychology class, I signed up for an experiment for extra credit. Today was the day that the experiment began. The things I had to do for the experiment were to take some memory/reaction tests, and fill out some sheets. Now for the next two weeks I'm taking fish oil pills to see if it causes any effects. Now, underneath my bed sits a container of fish pills. Oh, I'm perfectly fine at taking pills if they're gummy, but other than that? Before it was not the case. If I'm going to get extra credit for it? Then yes, I will take pills. Sorry mom! I was hoping that I'd get the coconut oil pills instead. Ah well.
Now it's back to studying. Whoopie.
Have you ever done a Psychology experiment? What was it about?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Upcoming Tests and The Strange Ways of Fashion
Anywho, hello all! How's it going?
Not much here, simply needing to get reading for a test coming up on Monday! Well, I suppose I have time to study tomorrow too, but still.
The class that I have the test coming up is History of Fashion. I'm surprised that I haven't talked about it more often, because it's quite an interesting class.
At the moment, we've gotten from the Greeks to the beginning of the Italian Renaissance. One of the biggest things I've learned so far? There are plenty of outfits that look extremely similar that all have different names. Am I a little freaked out about the test because of it? Why yes I am.
Still, clothes are such an interesting part of culture. It's amazing how certain outfits can mean different things, or how specific coloring means that you're wearing that outfit for an event at a certain level. For instance, the only women who wore Togas during the Roman times were prostitutes or fallen women. Now doesn't that give a whole new meaning to a toga party?
Along with some of the practical wear comes some of the illogical decorations that people wore. As I started to think about it, my mind went to the crazy things that we wear nowadays that aren't really necessary. Sure, some scarves are for warmth, but the thinner ones are more for decoration. And what about ripped jeans? What are the people of the future going to think when they look at that? All I know is that the world is crazy, and we're crazy along with it.
What's a fashion of today that you believe people are going to look at thinking, "What the heck?"
Friday, April 15, 2011
The Role of The Younger Sibling
As I've mentioned before, I have an older sister. Since I have an older sister, I've gotten used to being bossed around a lot. I've worked at not letting her get to me, but sometimes she just beats me. For instance, when we were younger she would always make me get a glass of water for her. It didn't even matter if I was getting up, or if I had just sat down. If I wasn't planning on getting her a glass of water, I was the most terrible person in the world.
Which brings us to this afternoon. You see, I had gotten a call during class from my sister. Foolishly, I returned the call. Chloe had called asking me if I could bring a board game down to our hometown for her. When I said that was ridiculous, she began ranting about how I was a b**ch for not bringing it down for her. No, she couldn't do anything else with her friends, she needed that game.
That's how I was guilted into driving home to give my sister a board game.
Simply ridiculous. What makes it even more ridiculous is that it's a board game she bought me for Christmas. No, what makes it even more ridiculous is that I was able to get guilt tripped into bringing my sister a game.
I'm quite tired tonight, but I must stay up! It's midnight movies night!
For the older siblings: What's the most ridiculous request you've ever made to your younger sibling?
For the younger siblings: What's the most ridiculous request you've ever gotten from your older sibling?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Rainy Days, Repetition and Upcoming Events
The funny thing about free days is that you end up accomplishing less than on your busy days. Seriously, there's got to be a scientific explanation for it all.
Strangely enough, my Thursdays feel like trickery. Since it's so open, I start thinking that the weekend is right there but... Surprise! One more day of class.
If it seems like I'm repeating myself, I probably am. It's just been one of those day, you know? Lack of inspiration, no wild escapades... Simply a cold, rainy day.
I'm excited for next weekend though! Not this weekend particularly, but next weekend for sure! Why? Well, I get to see Wicked on Friday, and I get to celebrate Easter with family! It might sound odd that I'm excited to hang out with family members, but I actually really want to see my cousins... who I think we'll be seeing. I don't know the whole story. And even though it hasn't been that long since I've seen some of my cousins, I'm kind of missing them.
I bid y'all adieu for the evening!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Psychological Situations, Dreams From Real Life and Talking Things Out
I'm fairly positive that Psychology is making me go insane. Oh, it's not because of homework. Psychology is giving me serious mental problems. From the three weeks I've been in the class, I've learned that no matter what my sister will have a higher IQ than me, and that I'm emotionally shut off. When we get to the point where we're testing my neurosis, my score will shoot through the roof.
Speaking of Psychological issues...
I've talked about how the room mate and I have had some trouble with communication, or lack thereof. I tend to learn more about her from her other friends then actually from her. Now, for the most part I am a complete pansy and I've had trouble talking things out. (The whole emotion problem, see?) Anywho, I decided to actually grow a pair and straight up ask, "Why don't you ever TALK to me?"
Not those exact words, but the general idea. This frustration plus the caffeine consumed too late in the day yesterday made me have trouble sleeping. Still, with the struggling sleep I managed to have a dream where I asked that, and the response wasn't a terrible fight ensuing. And you know what? That's exactly what happened. The room mate was more relieved than angry, and said that she was just quite. Which actually... she's kind of like that a lot, even before. There are still a few things I need to prod her about, but it's just one step at a time.
I would say that I should listen to my dreams more, but the night before I had had a dream where the Pope deemed Lady Gaga as next Pope in line. Maybe not.
I'm ready for the weekend! Or at least something other than academia to occur in my life.
Has a dream you've had ever been strangely similar to real life?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Learning Random Facts and Psychology
Having to do assignments on the computer is one of my least favorite things to do simply because I get so darn distracted. I actually like typed out assignments for the most part, but with the Internet... Goodness. With distractions, I'm always being led to new and interesting sites that I start to spend lengthy amounts of time on. My most recent addicting site? Cracked.
Cracked is filled with lists of interesting fact things, like 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong, or 5 Bizarre Ways Your Siblings Made You Who You Are. The site basically tells you a lot of crazy information that you would never have known before, some of which isn't very relevant to your everyday life. Pretty much the type of stuff I eat up. The one thing that I've noticed about said site is how it portrays itself. You see, it's aimed very much at the male population. I feel like this happens a lot. Another type of example is the show MANSWERS. The show once again gives you incredible, quirky information, but it's once again mainly for guys.
With this, I've got to ask: Why do they think girls don't want to know about these things too? I love knowing about terrifying creatures that could kill me without me knowing! (Might seem like a bad example, but it's actually extremely fascinating. And Rockfish are effing TERRIFYING.) I hate that because I'm the youngest child I'm less intelligent and going to die sooner, but it's still cool stuff to know!
Speaking of which, yes that is true. I've learned that my IQ is lower than my sister's IQ most likely just because I'm younger. I actually learned about this a few days prior in Psychology as well. Seriously, what a gip!
Well, I suppose there's nothing to do about having these sites aimed towards the male audience more than the female audience. I'll just have to sigh as they talk about their junk and boobs, and skip ahead to the other information about why certain actors became famous on accident.
Now it's time for finishing my Psychology homework... which I'm a little freaked out about, because I have no idea how she wants it done. She's explained it all, but I have no idea how she grades. Meh.
To the ladies out there: Do you frequent any sites that seem to be aimed more toward males? Why?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters
The lesson? Nobody likes a complainer.
Whomp, whomp. |
For instance, I'd like to recall a situation from back in high school. There was a friend of mine who was the nicest guy, and we had science class together. Yet if I ever ended up saying anything about how I was feeling... well, here's an example of how some of our conversations went:
Me: Eh, my head hurts today.
Friend: Well MY head hurts because I got hit by a CAR this weekend!
Jeezo! I was just stating a fact of how I felt, I wasn't looking for a competition. However, whenever I started talking to him, I somehow ended getting sucked into a battle of complaints. That's a battle that no one wins... even if you end up winning. Hooray, your life sucks more! Hooray indeed.
Being around complainers is extremely draining, and it's never a fun thing to hang around. This especially goes for blogs. I know that when I start writing out a blog that starts sounding extremely negative, I have to stop myself and look at what I've said. I know that I haven't always done well at not being Negative Nancy, but I try.
Try not to be a complainer, because if you are... Well, do you like hanging around complainers?
Is there someone in your life that is an extreme complainer? How do you deal with them?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Repetitive Days, Reading and Writing
Still, even with the repetitive vibe, homework has definitely been treating me differently than last term. Even though I have fewer credits than the last two terms, I've felt like I have so much to do! Are the readings longer? Does psychology become droll just because I'm not good with science, and the readings are very scientific? I honestly cannot say.
I have to read HOW many pages more? |
Still, I like to write. I like the feeling of words coming out onto the paper, and seeing a page filled with notes gives me a sense of pride. Maybe that's why I enjoy writing lists? Could be.
In the case of classes like Psychology, I have to write very fast. When I write quickly, it becomes doctor scribble.
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My notes? Not so nice looking. |
On a last note, you see the word Sensory up there on that page of notes? I actually wrote that with my left hand, because I was having some soup with a spoon in my right hand. Multitasking, aw yeah.
Is your handwriting nice or is it doctor scribbles?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Reasons for Health and Lack of Interaction
My reason? I feel better. When I'm in not so great of shape, I usually don't feel very good. I guess this is an obvious thing, but sometimes you realize that you never knew how good you felt until you weren't at that same level. It's like being sick. You don't realize how sweet it is to be healthy until you start the sniffling and coughing.
Why do I like to run? Because my body has shown me that I can.
Although eating a bunch of cookies tonight? Probably not on the right track to feeling fit. Still, they were delicious.
Nothing much to say for the day, simply 'cause it was a mostly do nothing day. Did some homework, lounged about... Although I almost went crazy from the lack of human interaction. There was no one around! And if they were around, they weren't looking to chat.
Also, thanks for all of the advice from yesterday! I guess I shouldn't let it worry me as long as I'm actually working hard, but I just do. Hearing rational thoughts from others helps.
Why do you like to stay healthy/fit?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Late Night Surprises and The Amount of Time to Graduate
- Loud noises
- 3AM
- Cold morning
I guess it wasn't so bad, but really? Not super fun to be woken up randomly in the middle of the night by shrieking alarms to dash out into the cold with no shoes.
I'm starting to get to a solid idea of what I want to study, but realizing just what I want to study is getting kind of scary. It's not that I'm scared of the subject (though it will take a lot of hard work), but it's what's required in classes. I have come to the conclusion that despite trying to get a lot of classes done, I still might end up taking five years to graduate.
That scares the heck outta me.
Really, I know it shouldn't scare me. Maybe I don't feel scared, but it makes me feel shamed. Y'see, at the beginning of the year I participated in a class that stumbled upon the discussion of Generation Y, or my generation. In the class we talked about how Generation Y is taking longer to graduate, becoming more dependent on parents, moving back in with parents more often, and not as hard working. I don't want to diss my generation, but a lot of the time I feel like I don't quite fit the picture. I know that I'm a lot more dependent on my parents than I should be, but I try to be as independent as possible.
This kind of goes back to my fears I suppose. There are so many intelligent people out there, it's intimidating. I've read blogs of people who have graduated college early, I've heard stories where people get amazing scores on everything they do. I want people to look at me that way, you know? I want people to think, "Oh, what a great job she's done." Did I mention I'm hella narcissistic? Because I am. I crave attention, I can't help it.
Yeah. That's what's on my mind. Now it's time to take a shower. Late night Zumba!
How do you feel about how many years it takes to graduate?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Uppity People and Turning In Early
There is a certain type of person who can simply be referred to as uppity. You can find them just about anywhere, but I've noticed a large amount of them can be found in my English classes.
Now, uppity people are not hard to find. They tend to state their opinions quite frequently in class. I'm not saying that stating your opinion in class is a bad thing, but there's a difference between stating it politely and stating it like a jerk. For instance, you could be thinking that one character in a story has much more wisdom than any of the other characters. A good way to say this might be like this:
"Well, So and so could be considered a more intellectual character because..."
Then you state your reasons why that character is more intelligent with proof. Now, if you say it in a more uppity tone, it comes out like this:
"CLEARLY he's the more intellectual character, and there is no reason why anyone should think otherwise. Only a fool would think anything else."
Uppity people tend to come off as a tad ignorant, or their ears are blocked off to any other reasoning.
...Can you tell I dealt with a few of them today? Because I did. These people seem to try to make you feel bad or stupid. They are quite the pet peeve.
On a more positive note, today happened to be one of the most relaxed days in awhile. I kicked in my pjs early in the day and zoned out while surfing on the web. I thought, "Shouldn't I be getting ahead in work? Shouldn't I be doing things that I haven't had time for?" But then I decided you know what? It's okay to relax once and awhile.
Well, I am already in my pajamas... |
When was the last time you encountered someone you considered "uppity"? Hopefully not recently!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Seeing As We're All Ladies Here...
Hopefully, all of the ladies out there wear bras out in public. Unless you have bizarrely perky boobs, we can all tell when you're not wearing one. It's not a great look to have. (Sure, some may beg to differ on that opinion, but not me.)
The one case I've never understood is the case for sports bras. I wear mine when I exercise, and when I exercise only. Yet, so many people I talk to love wearing sports bras. They say it's the most comfortable thing to wear, but I must disagree. Then again, I like normals bras. I feel weird when I'm not wearing one, including to the very last minute before bed.
Some may think I'm odd. I just think I'm comfortable.
Now that I've created the most random post in the world, it's time for me to say goodnight... but first finish some reading. I have not been sleeping well, can you tell?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Driving Around and The Vehicle Invovled
Yeah, stuff really hasn't slowed down much for me as of late. How long until the weekend again?
Speaking of driving around, I'd like to talk about my mode of transportation. I don't think I've ever mentioned it before here, but I have a car here on campus. The car I happen to have is a blue minivan.
Yup, it kind of looks like that. |
Still, I'm glad to have a vehicle avaliable. Plus, it has heated seats.
Alas, when driving back to campus tonight, a minuature battery started glowing on the dashboard. The letters ABS started glowing as well. I'm thinking that it's going to need to go in. Yeah, not looking forward to that.
What was the first car that you got to drive around? Technically, the van isn't my car but I get to drive it. Woo!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Busy Days and Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters
Today has been such a busy busy day! Nothing but homework and schooling. I really don't know why it's been like this, seeing that I have less credits than ever before. I'm thinking that it's the beginning of the term, and once things get organized life will become a lot more relaxed. Right now I'm trying to get a few things organized.
- School and homework
- Trying to figure out a job/internship
- Workout scheduling
- School plans for next year
- Summer plans
Hmm. Today is Monday, which means it's time for a Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters. But what have I learned from fictional characters this week? Oh! I know!
I guess that this isn't from fictional characters necessarily, but they're fictional characters in my book. This lesson comes from... Reality Stars!
...Really? |
Sure, reality stars seem to grab opportunities and never let go. Yet, when you think about it, shouldn't we all be grabbing opportunities that are presented to us? You don't what to spend your whole life asking, "What if?"
...Just don't do it like reality stars do it, because no one likes the way they do it. Seriously.
What's been filling up your plate recently?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Homework Days and Fears
Hello everyone! How's life?
Today during the non-homework parts of the day, I've been thinking about one of my greatest fears. Most everyone has some type of basic fear whether it be the fear of death, or something like spiders. No one is fearless, and even if the appear to be, they're just good at hiding it.
I have a few fears here and there, but I have one fear that tops them all. It's a fear that I think about constantly, even when I don't know I am. My fear is the fear of looking foolish.
You may think it's strange. You may think it's perfectly reasonable. I've always had this fear though. When I say something that sounds dumb, I regret it for days, maybe even longer. I think it all comes from the underlying idea that I want to be respected. If I sound like an idiot, who will respect my ideas? Who will listen to me?
This may also affect how independent I want to be. I've gotten better with asking about things, but it tends to be because I don't want to turn in a final project that makes me look foolish either.
So, now that I've gotten up from the imaginary couch of the blog world, I'd like to ask what your fears are. Are they more mental fears or physical fears (like spiders)?
I'm all done for the day. Just been homeworkin' it up!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Country Runs, Strength Training, and Favorite Classes
Lately, I've been getting back into the swing of running again. (I've also been talking about running far too often). I ran into the country on one of my usual paths, but I took a turn and discovered a graveyard I had no idea was there. It was actually quite pretty. That could have been the sunny day talking though.
However, with all of the exercise talk, I've been breaking one of the cardinal rules of exercise. I haven't been strength training.
My guns have become nerf guns. My almost abs have... yeah, they are nowhere in sight.
I know that I've got to get back on track. I just want to know a better ab workout... a more interesting one! I know that all of the basics are what you do, but I want something new.
Today I was asked what my favorite class in college has been, and I was stumped. Honestly, I was shocked that I didn't have one. Sure there have been parts of classes that were great. Some have had low moments too. There just isn't a best class. Still plenty of time, right?
What's a good strenght training exercise you do?
Friday, April 1, 2011
Fools, Health, Wellness and Swimming
The weather is beautiful again, and my motivation is slowly becoming shot. I started up on getting some homework done early in the afternoon, but soon enough I was lounging about on the couch gazing into the courtyard below.
A very cool thing that has recently come to my school is the new Health and Wellness center. It's a big fitness center with classrooms, a pool, rock walls, an indoor track... It's amazing, especially since it's so much nicer than anything else at the school. Yes, even the new dorms. This school is expanding rapidly.
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The outside. It's much prettier inside. |
Today, I decided to go for a swim. I'm an okay swimmer, but I'm not great. I really dislike freestyle, so you'll see me swimming the good ol' breast stroke. Still, it felt really good to swim again.
Enough rambling from me!
Did you see any good pranks today? What's the best prank you've ever seen?