Saturday, April 30, 2011

Life, Death, and Accomplishments

Today was my long run day. Whenever I go for long runs, I like to think about a lot of different topics. The main topics in question today were about life, death, and accomplishments.

What brought on the thoughts about life and death, you may ask? Well, because of the ability to view things instantly on Netflicks, I've recently started to watch the show Dexter. Which it turns out, is very addicting. The funny thing about shows like Dexter are that it's not the characters so much that freak me out, but the writers. I mean, they think up all of these ideas for killers, disposing of the body, horrifying death techniques... What a thing to be able to conjure up in your mind. I think they're all pretty brilliant, but it's terrifying that they can come up with so many of these horrendous situations. I digress.

I wouldn't say that I'm scared of death. What freaks me out is the unknown of after death. There are so many theories, beliefs and ideas of what happens after death, it's hard to sort them all out. Being raised with some spiritual views, I'd like to believe that there really is an afterlife, a positive settings. However at the same time, my mind thrives on facts. I don't like going with one idea unless I know that it's the correct answer 100%. This is the same reason that on tests I'm so bad at going back and forth between answers.
Still, I think there's another part of death that worries me as well. It's the not knowing when it's going to happen. If I were given the option of finding out when I was going to die, I wouldn't take that offer, but it's still scary not knowing when it's going to happen. People want to be about to achieve as much as possible before they die, and I'm no exception. I think that's why I crave getting things done so quickly, it's because I want to have time to do the next thing. If I get done with school faster, it'll give me more time to do other things in my life.
I know they say to live in the moment, but I'm always looking towards the future. It's really not that great of a habit, because sooner than later I'm going to be looking at the past thinking, "What happened then?" I think the only time I really live in the moment is when I'm going for runs, and even then I sometimes think of things in the future. For the most part though, running is my living in the moment. I just don't realize it until I start.

So, yeah. That's what's was on my mind for today's run. Hopefully I didn't scare all of you off. Other than that... Been unproductive.

What are your opinions on life and death?

1 comment:

  1. I'm always really horrified/fascinated by the scenarios/situations that writers for shows like that come up with. Criminal Minds? Oh God...It's almost too much, really.
