Sunday, December 18, 2011

Upcoming Holidays and Scattered Productivity

So, when did it become the 18th? Seriously? I have one more present to buy, but this week certainly is going to be a holiday preparation week. The thing is, it doesn't seem like there's really that much left to do. Perhaps my mother is simply making me worried.

Anywho. Today began as a lazy day, but became a bit productive as the day went on. Cleaned my room, cleaned out a random closet in the parents' house. Little projects, all that jazz.

I just was ready for a rest day. Which, I pretty much got, but still got some stuff done. Also found some websites to waste time. Not a great thing for productivity.

On a random note (besides this post being super random), I'm in a mood to bake. It seems that there's much more motivation to bake when it isn't necessary. Thankfully, there are some bananas that are ready for mushing, and I'm somewhere where there are people to take food with them to work.

Hm. Thoughts are scattered for the evening. It happens. Hopefully with the new week, my thoughts will be coherent.

How did you spend your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. I did an epic amount of baking this weekend so I'm more than happy to kick back and enjoy a little break from that madness.
