Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Blaugh. For quite some time, I was excited to be on break. Now that I've been on it for about a week and a half, I'm going stir crazy. Pretty much I've been feeling like this:


Yesterday I picked up my epi pen prescription. It came with a little practice pen, so I can practice stabbing myself. Hooray. When I showed my sister the practice pen, she instantly asked, "Can I stab you?" Because an older sibling's goals in life include terrifying/annoying their younger sibling. (Yes, I know you can read this Chloe. I say this to you in real life anyway.) Besides, the doctor told me I should have other people around me know how to do it just in case. When she went to stab it... I recoiled in horror. There's no way I'm going to be able to have someone stab that thing into my leg, let alone stab it in myself.

Usually I've been fine around needles. If I don't see the needle itself, I'm alright with it. Show me that needle going into skin though? Euegh. I'm like that for most things involving harm to the body. Show me a person with their bone jutting out of their skin? I feel that pain.This is one of the many reasons why I could never be a doctor... besides being terrible at science.

A clever conclusion to this post is lost on me, so I suppose I'll abruptly end it. It happens. (Geez I've been saying that a lot.)

Do grotesque injuries freak you out? Or are you calm and collected when it comes to that stuff?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yikes! I don't think I could ever do that to myself, let alone another person. Something tells me my siblings would revel in that opportunity, though...
