Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Birthday Association

Yes, it's totally acceptable to have "One of those weeks." Mine would have been like that if it weren't for the break I have tomorrow.

Today I looked at my calendar and realized, "Hey, it's my grandma's birthday! I need to call her!"
Did I have her birthday written down on the calendar? Oh no. Instead, the words on said calendar were "National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day".

Needless to say, this is a horrible way of remembering your grandmother's birthday. However, it's how I've always remembered it because of the story we were told. Yes, one year on grandma's birthday they were listening to the radio... AND THE BOMBS HIT. While she was happily opening her presents seconds before.
No one wants to associate terrible things with happy occasions, like your grandmother being alive for another year. Yet, I'm always able to remember her birthday. I also don't this I would remember the day of Pearl Harbor, unless I needed to for some history class. That sound terrible? You know that's the only reason you remember dates like that.

Back then, I would assume it would be similar to having your birthday on the same day as 9/11.

Actually, I know someone who has his birthday on said day. He has some swell muttonchops.

I don't mean to be morbid, I'm simply stating facts. It makes me think of my birthday. I don't have any major events that occurred on my birthday other than it's National Peanut Day. (Well, except for one site saying apparently the universe was created on my birthday. But that's another story.) It would only be a tragedy if I had a nut allergy.

I've always remembered birthdays because of holidays too. Both one of my cousins and one of my best friends have birthdays the day after Valentine's Day. My dad has the same birthday as Mickey Mouse. Okay, that's not why I know my dad's birthday, but I think that's the coolest fact.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm terrible at remembering birthdays and the only way I'm able to do it is by date association. Sounds about right.

Other than that, only have one final left! Friday at 8:00 AM. Economics. Hoo boy. But that does mean I have pretty much all of tomorrow free. Except for another part of my HPHY final I have to finish online, which is basically the same test, but we get to do it on the computer and have all of the answers. Hmm. Those are disgustingly awful sentances, please ignore their structures. Honestly, I should stop talking while I'm behind.

Do you know anyone with a birthday on a holiday/significant day?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I had a co-worker who had a birthday on 9/11 and it was my job to bring his birthday treats. Like seriously, it was the darkest thing ever.

    On a happier note, my great grandmother was born on Christmas Day and my great grandfather (other side) was born on Valentine's Day!
