Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Hectic Sort of Week

It's been one of those crazy days, you know? Anywho, here's what's up with life for a quick update, or just random thoughts:

It's amazing how much family members can effect you, mainly siblings. I've been able to convince my sister to read cracked, and now she's addicted to that and reads some blogs. As for her effect on me, most of the music I listen to is because of her.

I've realized that I spend far too much time on the computer. Not a new development, but lately it has caused some problems. (Don't worry, I'm doing all of my schoolwork.) I'm deciding to try and wean myself off of using my computer so much, possibly not using my laptop and instead use the library computer until schoolwork is done. This isn't the reason for not posting yesterday, I just didn't have time. We'll see.

Most of this week was consumed by stress of classes and registration. One night after finding out certain classes wouldn't work in the schedule the way that I wanted them to... I had a mini breakdown. It happens. However, after I let everything out, I actually got down to thinking, and realized I was perfectly fine in the way of school scheduling. It's good to clear your mind with a good pouring out of emotions because then you can actually think coherently afterwards.

My croissants were indeed a hit. That's always a good thing.

I'm making a big decision. More on that later.

I'd really like tomorrow to be a relaxing day after the last few days I've had, but that's not going to happen. What can you do? Especially since I have to cram a 9 mile run somewhere in there... Oof. That's why I have to go to bed now. So night to all, and hopefully there will be more detailed posts from me in the near future.

What type of week was it for you? Any exciting weekend plans?

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