Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tired Days and Interesting Actors

Well. I certainly don't know what to make of today.

It involved a lot of napping. Like, a weird amount of napping. Tired all day. I have no idea why.
My body might be trying to get sick, and the tiredness was a way of fighting it. Who knows.

What I do know is that I am loving on movie stuff lately. Just the magic of movies in general. Part of this has to do with "volunteering" (also known as hanging around doing nothing) on the film club sets for a film club promo. The other part comes from watching the movie Hugo yesterday, which is pretty much a love letter to movies.

One thing that I love in movies is when an unexpected actor shows up. Sometimes a cameo, sometimes just an actor that you don't expect. For instance, on a run on the treadmill tonight I could have sworn I saw Melissa McCarthy pop up in Charlie's Angels 2. Not 100% sure, but I did find out she was in the first one. Huh. The main thing that I was watching on the treadmill though was Talladega Nights, and that includes Sacha Baron Cohen.

Now, Sacha Baron Cohen is an interesting character. As you might know, he currently has a movie that came out called The Dictator. All of his movies where he is the main character are a crazy type of humor. On the other hand, he shows up as a completely different characters in movies that aren't his own, such as Hugo. We're going full circle here people.
Personally, I think when he's not the main character he steals the spotlight when on screen. Yet, I've never been a big fan of his main character stuff. It's a weird position he's in. Plus, he's a good actor. I just don't know.

So I ask you: Are there any actors that you like, but you don't much like their work? I know things like Borat are his main focus, but I just don't like them. Still, I like him. Then there's the opposite effect, where you like their work but you don't think you like the person in real life. For me, that's George Clooney. I think he's brilliant, but as a person from interviews and such he sounds AWFUL.

I'm ready for a fresh start. Which I'm hoping Sunday will be. Have a nice night!

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