Saturday, May 12, 2012

Eating Habits to the Extreme

I've always been fascinated by shows about people with issues with food. I can't watch those strange addiction ones just because I get so grossed out, but more about certain health habits people have with food. A recent thing I watched on the subject was True Life: I have... I can't remember the official name for the disease, but it was about people who restrict their diets to only extremely specific foods. Something with an O.
Anywho, the people did things like only eat raw, unpackaged foods or eat only five different types of foods they thought were healthy such as eggs, oatmeal and apples.

The terifying thing isn't that they're so restrictive, or that they completely shun everything else (although it is pretty crazy to watch). What's so scary is that they're not that far off from normal things, or normal situations. And the people aren't crazy in personality either. They all act normal despite the extremes they take. I don't know them personally, but I know people that are on diets such as the raw food diet, or very vegan. I think it's fine. Do what you want. However, it's so close to an edge at times that it's easy to fall off.
One of the other things that came up in the show was that many of the people didn't know a lot of nutrition education. This is a huge problem I've seen in pretty much every food issue related show I can think of. For example, a guy in the episode wouldn't eat anything processed or meat products because of a biology class that made him scared of disease. Yet there's a moment when he talks about how he's constantly hungry, never filled up. Sir, if you always feel as if you're starving and you're rail thin, you need to eat more or figure something else out. People jump at the first scare tactic they see. I dunno.

The saddest thing that I saw on the show is how their diets affected their personal and social lives.
Like I always say, I'm not perfect with food. I still go out to eat with people though, or I still get involved with activites that include food. You know what I do then? I adjust what I eat. The people in the show couldn't even do that. A girl on the show would purge everytime she ate anything that wasn't "perfect", and her mother was even a nutritionist! Sometimes you do know what to do but still have perfection addictions take over.

I'm not sure what prompted me to write a whole post about this one thing. I just think that food should, though it never is, just be food. Get togethers with food are supposed to be about the people you're with, not the food you eat. With all that said, food should still be enjoyable. It's meant to fuel you and be tasty. Give it the credit it deserves. And by credit, I don't mean eating a box of doughnuts until you're sick. You know what I mean.

I've never been vegetarian/vegan/raw, but I'm willing to try meals of said diets. Nothing against them, I just like the taste of meat. Yup.

Have you ever been on a vegetarian/vegan/raw/other diet?

1 comment:

  1. I think the term you're searching for is "Orthorexia." And it's being obsessed with eating correctly/The Most Healthfully. Which for most of the afflicted ends up involving restriction in a severe way.

    While sometimes we end up more on the vegetarian side of things (it just kind of...happens?), I've never totally cut something out (beyond a bad stint on the South Beach in high school). I love food too much and I have no self-control. This is my reality.
