Saturday, March 10, 2012

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

My motto for the day seems to be "Good things come to those who wait."

Well, I'm not sure if it fits for everything today, but it's a start.

One of the good things that came from waiting? Well, I applied for a paid internship recently and... I got it! I just found out last night, hooray! I suppose you could say that waiting to tell the world was good on my part, just because what if I didn't get it? Right? That's how I think anyways.

My main "Good things come to those who wait" point for the day is from my run today. For my runs, I tend to cut it into sections. On average, songs usually about 3-4 minutes. When three songs have passed, I assume I've gone a little bit around a mile in distance. (9-10 minute miles) I told myself that I would run for at least 60 minutes, and I would check my time at the end of the 9th song (about a half hour in). As my run went on, that was pushed back to the 12th song. Then to the 15th song. By the time I looked at it, I had only three minutes left! The more you check something, the longer it seems to take to get to the ending point. If I had checked it at the 9th song mark, I would still have about a half hour to go. I would have wanted to check constantly after the initial check, and that would have been annoying. "I still have so much left!" I would exclaim. Instead, when I didn't check my time I didn't think about it as much.

The last "Good things come to those who wait" idea for the day comes from just cooking, really. Sure, sometimes it's easy to throw some food together and call it good. On the other hand, when you actually take time to make something, it usually tastes a lot better. True story.

I'm a bit concerned with the coherency of this post. I've written more coherent posts while affected by other sources, but there is currently nothing affecting me. That is a bit concerning. Still, I wanted to get my thoughts out.

In other life news, my cold is disappearing quickly! Nice. I'm kind of surprised by it really. I pulled a college kid move and slept in until 11. Well, after waking up at 7 for an hour. Then falling back asleep at 8 because I thought it would make me feel better. And it did. What a concept.

What examples do you have of "Good things come to those who wait?"


  1. Truth: Sometimes I hit publish and then cross my fingers that what I've written is at least semi-coherent and in what other people would recognize as English. It's just how things go sometimes.

  2. Hmmmmm.... I can't think of any real-life examples of what comes by waiting. Other than, if I open my mouth of say something too quickly, I usually regret it. Being patient and understanding the situation before responding... that's usually key for me. :)
