Friday, March 4, 2011

Guilty Pleasures and Cleaning Up Online

It's Friday Night! Alright!

People of the world, I have a confession to make. Lately I've been enjoying the guilty pleasure that is Perez Hilton.

One of the things that I think is kind of curious about Perez Hilton is how he talks yet still is known as a credible source. Many of his posts you see him say things like, "LOL! So sexie!" of "Omg SO SAD!" When one thinks about credible sources, they don't usually type in chat speak.

Anyway, I've been reading Perez to get news on pop culture. I feel like I need to be informed if I'm interested in working with pop culture maybe someday.
...Although I just skip over the Charlie Sheen articles. I was over it before it even started.

Today I decided to do some cleaning, but it wasn't the type of cleaning you would expect. I hopped around the web and cleaned up my past. You see, I've had many different usernames on different websites, and I've decided that I want to have nothing online that could be odd for something to find. Paranoid? Sure, but at least I don't have things for a boss to even question me about. I used to have a Tumblr, but now it's gone. I haven't used it in ages, so why have it? I'd rather have my online reputation be not about a failed attempt at a journal comic.
I'm going to try to start making a more professional name for myself online... but I'm still not sure how.

Well, I'm off for the night. I hope everyone has a lovely evening!

What's one of your online guilty pleasures?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't checked out Perez in forever. He's hysterical though.

    As for online, I use my full name for my professional image and my nickname for my friends/family. In order to hide the blog, I never mention our last name (or Marcus'!). Good luck!
