Monday, September 20, 2010

The First Official College Post

Hello everyone! This is my FIRST official post from school. Hooray! I hate that I wasn't able to post a honest to goodness post the other day, but I was without internet until very recently! Where else would we begin other than Sunday morning?

All of my things, before moved into the car
 It was a sunny day when I was moving in for the most part. I knew that my secret hoping and praying had paid off. I had never realized just how stressful it would be to move in. I thought, "Oh, I'll make sure that everything is very organized so that it will be a breeze." This of course was not the case. It's difficult for a person to move in by themselves yet it is extremely difficult moving in with the help of others. If you're like me, you have ideas where things should go, how they should look. Your way. The rest of the world does not think this way.

The van, stuffed with college things
This brings me to the first thing I have learned in college:
  • 1. You can't unpack all in one day.
I wanted to, I really did. I live in the mindset of getting tasks done as quickly as possible to have time for other things. What are you going to do? Somewhere in the day there was lunch at a cute little cafe, but unpacking basically lasted until 5ish. I'll try to summarize the rest of the day; Met the hallmates, did a "meet and greet" that involved running up to someone and yelling your name as you ran to the next person, and then went to a welcoming party. This is where it gets interesting.
You know how I said I wanted to get away from the people of my old school, meet new people? My roomate is from my hometown. The party was held by the older sister of another girl from my school. All I can say is that it wasn't for me. I wanted to go. I wanted to stay in my dorm my very first night of college. I don't care if I get a million days here, I just have something about sentimental dates and such. That's when I did something stupid. I walked home. I know, it's one of the dumbest things you can do. All alone at night where you don't know where you are, and it's raining. It was like a bad movie. This made me realize I need to try to shift away from doing things with my roomie all of the time. Do things my own way right? I ended up even hanging out with some hallmate in the common area for awhile too.

There's so many things to say, but so little space to say it! This week is beginning to feel like that too. I learned about media at WOU, met a friend from another hall, heard a few speakers including the real life hitch, went to a dance, then got to this point. ...That really doesn't explain much, does it? I dislike having to compress everything into blurbs, but this is what happens when you have two days of running around like mad with lack of sleep.

I will work on my blogging skills. Perhaps I need to keep notes of my days? Does anyone keep notes of their days for their blogs? I just need to remember to take pictures. It's so hard to remember!

Tomorrow's post will be more blog-y! I'm still learning. (Also, I'm going to delete that last post.)

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