Monday, September 27, 2010

First Day of Class

So… after writing my entry last night, I went kind of crazy on food. It was terrible. I started eating a ton of these peanut butter chocolate eyeballs like there was no tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I know why I did it, for two reasons:
  1. It was an internal mindset saying “Hey, you’ve gone down! It won’t matter if you go back up one pound.” It doesn’t matter, but with that type of eating/idea it’ll become much more than a little pound.
  2. My body was out of wack. You know how I said I went to that pizza thing and there was no pizza?  I was starving once I finally ate, and even though I ate some top ramen (dinner of champs!) my body was still going crazy.
I know that no one really cares to hear that kind of stuff, but I thought I should just admit what I’d done.

Anywho, first day of school!
It's been a good day so far, even though I have homework already. Let's start out with this morning. I surprisingly woke up on time but I couldn't really sleep at all last night. I was so worried about waking up so I told my mom she should call me in the morning. She laughed at me and said I was ridiculous but she called me anyways. I love my mom.

Our RA left this note on our door this morning, how cute!

First class was History of U.S.!
History was actually quite interesting. She liked percentages and said "Good good" a lot. I have to read an excerpt and answer a question by Wednesday. I had to discuss points with a girl who sat behind me who was... not that bright in my opinion.

Weight Training
Weigh Training was odd simply because I went to get a syllabus and then the teacher says "Okay you can lift right now, but you can go if you want to." So... I got some information from him and left for the day. We'll start actually doing stuff next time.

And Introduction to Theatre Arts!
This class was fun. The teacher swears a lot and is pretty funny. I'm really excited for it. The only thing is that I have to read a play by Wednesday. It's a pretty quick read though.

After class I had lunch with my cousin Laci at Yangs. It was great! Laci is an alumni of WOU now, so she's really excited that I'm going here. We talked, hung out, and she bought some shirts.

You know that theatre thing I went to last night? Well I found out that they're having play tryouts tonight and I think I'm going to try it out! I'm nervous just because I don't know what college level people are like. I don't want to look stupid!
I also need to figure out when I'm going to run. I need to do that soon. Hope everyone has a lovely evening, and wish me luck tonight!

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