Sunday, July 31, 2011

Trying Things A Second Time

Summer, you are so lovely. Just sayin'.

Today was going to be my recoup day. Cleaning everywhere, organizing my stuff, getting all of that situated. The day started out productive, then came to a halt when I was asked by my sister, "Do you want to go rafting down the river with us?"

Don't get me wrong, rafting down the river is lovely during the summer. The cool water, the warm sun. Heck, I've been rafting before with Chloe... and it was kind of disastrous.
We fought like crazy, we had fewer things prepared than necessary and we were out there for about four hours. I didn't know we were going to be out there for so long. Needless to say, I was a bit hesitant when offered the chance to go rafting again. Besides, I had a lot of things I still had to do!

But I went. I seriously was in need of some social interaction anyway. And you know what? It was fun.

This trip was only about an hour long, so it didn't matter that we still weren't that well prepared. Everyone was relaxed, and no fights occurred.

I guess it goes to show you that maybe you should try something more than once, even if the first time you try it's terrible. (Although sometimes you shouldn't. But you probably know those times.)

When was the last time you tried something again that you didn't like the first time? How did you like it the second time?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stuck in a Running Rut

I'm stuck in a running rut.

It's not that I haven't been running, but a lot of my runs have been giving me difficultly lately. Today for example. Let's just say I felt like I was going to throw up the first five miles, and walking was thrown in between the last couple of miles. Augh. I managed to run 18.5 miles, but I was hoping to get 19 miles in... and not walk. Still, 18.5 miles is pretty cool. It's just frustrating.

I can't get past that 18 mile mark or something. The last three long runs I've had some issues with each one of them. Stressful.

Now, I'm just tired. And that's about it from me. Exciting night.

How do you get past a rut?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Change of Plans, Organizing Favors, and Anticipation

Today was supposed to be my resting day. Today I was supposed to sleep in late.

That... did not happen. I ended up waking up at my regular class time despite going to bed a little late, and kept myself busy all day.
Instead of cleaning up my own stuff, I thought it would be nice to organize in the kitchen cabinets for my parents. I also made bread.

The whole cleaning of the cupboards started when I was grabbing supplies for the upcoming school year. School is at the end of September, I know but I'm trying to do little things in a long stretch of time instead of a rush at the beginning of the year. Mostly it's baking supplies at the moment.

As for the cleaning rampage, I managed to open up a lot of space in the cupboards. I thought my parents would think it was a nice motion. My mom said I should be worrying about my own stuff, while my dad bitched about not knowing where things were. Then, when I tried explaining it to him (Rice is here, Vinegars are here... unlike before, when everything was just all thrown together), he shot me down.

Nice favors don't always turn out the way you want them to, do they? Ah well. Now, I'm tired and I have a long run tomorrow. Lately my long runs have freaked me out. It's weird, but I almost just want the race to get here so I can get it over with. Maybe it's the anticipation? Maybe it's so I can finally spend some time not organizing my life around my running? Most of my runs are easy to organize around, but not the long runs. I dunno. I just want to do the race.

Now I'm going to start getting ready for tomorrow's run. I'm hoping to run a little earlier, because summer has finally hit and it gets hot.

...I hear the ice cream lady.

What was the last favor that you did that wasn't received like you expected?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Personal How To For Restaurant Ordering

Seriously, I always wonder just how time ends up passing me by so quickly every day.

Going out to eat is almost always a nice thing to do. Everyone gets to choose what they want to eat, you don't have to cook, you can have tasty foods you wouldn't make at home... It's a nice little deal. (Especially if you don't have to pay.)

One of the issues that a lot of people have with eating out is knowing what to order. Of course, I'm talking about myself. There are just so many things that look good, you know? I know I'm not the only one who's been in this predicament, but you don't want to hold up the waiter because:
1. It's rude. They have other customers to get to, and you shouldn't waste their time.
2. No one else wants to have the waiter waiting either.

So, here are my tips if you're anything like me!
  • Don't start talking to your group. As soon as you get your menu, start looking for what you want.
  • Go with your gut. Don't go with your second guess, because chances are the first thing that peaked your interest was actually what you wanted.
  • If the waiter comes over and says, "Ready to order?", say no. You won't magically know while everyone else is ordering.
So don't be a staller. I know every time I do, I want to smack myself after the waiter has finally gotten our orders down, and I don't think they want to deal with a crazy person too.

What bad habit do you always fall into at restaurants/other places that are similar? What do you do to fix it?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Classes and Borders

One more day of Spanish 202! Yes! Three more weeks of Spanish, three more weeks...

Since we're talking about Spanish, I just have to say one thing: It's taking over. It always does the last week of class. (Then again, I'm not really sure I can say that because this is only the second part of a three part program. Still.)
Anywho, as I've said before when my life gets busy, my life gets messy. Random areas in the house are starting to have little piles build up. The bedroom just has things that need to be put away. The car? Terrible. And it's making me feel a little crazy. Still, I just need to concentrate on finishing up this "term", so as soon as I'm done tomorrow... it's time to get organized.

...After my run. And after work. Well, I'm guessing Friday is when organizing will occur.

I managed to stop by Borders today and take a look around. The depressing-ness of the liquidation finally hit home while I was finding a parking space. Giant yellow "Going out of business" banners's sad no matter what type of business it is. It's even more depressing when it's a store you used to spend hours reading and perusing the shelves.

Truth be told, even with sales the books were kind of pricey still. It was only stuff for about 10% off, but I did manage to snag a magazine for 40% off.

I wouldn't spend 5 bucks on a magazine normally, but getting that magazine for $3? Why not. Borders needs some love.
Although after I told my mom that, she replied, "Well what about when they were taking over all of the little businesses before?"
...I still like my Borders.

Have you visited Borders since the liquidation started? How do you feel about Borders?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wondering How Karma Works

I always say that I should write a couple of posts days before... yeah, that will probably never happen. So a quick post tonight!

All of my life, I've tried to believe in karma. If you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you end up having a really awful day, karma will make sure it adds up your good karma total, making something amazing happen in the future.
Why do I believe this? I'd like to think it's most likely because I've heard so many underdog stories in my life. "He grew up in the slums, but worked hard and now he's famous." I mean, the best example we can look at is Annie.

Well, Aladdin kind of has that message too.
The cave... of WONDERS! I always wondered why it had an earring.
All of that is well and good, but I've been having my doubts more and more lately.
I've seen terrible things happen to good people. I've seen amazing things happen to awful people. I always think to myself, "Karma will kick in."

But will it?

What if someone else's version of karma says you haven't been worthy of good karma, despite what you think? Like babies who die! What were they even capable of doing badly to deserve the karmic bitchslap? That's not fair at all!
I guess that karma does show its face in certain situations obviously, like when someone is being a jerk and they're called on it. Still, you never know.

Despite all of my karma bashing tonight, a little thought still creeps through my brain.
"If you do good things, good things will happen. Even if things seem tough, things will always get better."
And I could go on and on and on about this, but I seriously don't have the time.

On a final note, my sister started reading my blog tonight. So hello Chloe dear! I'll be sure to add more out of context inside jokes than usual.

Who is this hermano?
What's your view on karma?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cancelled Class and Not So Healthy Eating

Ah, don't you love it when luck is on your side?

For me, that luck came in the form of class being cancelled. I don't know why it was cancelled, but it was good for me. I ended up working on Spanish homework all day though... So did it really matter?
(Yes. Yes it did. Because I needed time to work on the stuff.)

I'll be honest with y'all. Despite working on eating healthy most of the time, there are days where all I want to eat is junk food. Hey, sometimes I'll eat junk instead of real food. Not both, just instead. Sometimes I'll eat junk and good food. I think one of the benefits of still being fairly young is that I can eat pretty terribly some days and not completely destroy myself. Or maybe it's the running. Then again, sometimes it's the crappy food that messes with my running. Ah, I dunno.

So I don't eat the greatest sometimes. Which is a big reason I'm not doing a health blog. That, and I don't know how to cook healthy food (let alone any type of food, really).

Yeah, I'll admit I could eat cookies instead of a real meal. Which I have done before. Recently.

What not so healthy activities do you partake in?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Looming Homework

So I've got a couple of big Spanish assignments with approaching due dates, and I've been trying to work on them all weekend. How has that been working out?

You know when you have a lot on your plate, and then you just don't want to do anything? I mean, not just not your work, just nothing? Maybe that's just me.

Still, I think it's kind of the idea behind going cold turkey on something. For instance, when you decide that you're not going to eat chocolate anymore that's all that you want to eat. When you plan on starting an intense workout, you instead lounge on the couch for longer than usual.

Avoidance? Perhaps. I just... I just don't want to do my homework. Blargh.

How do you deal with a bunch of work that you're not in the mood to work on?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Normal Activities Are The Weirdest Things...

Tonight my cousin talked about someone she cheated off of during high school, once again turning her into even more of a terrible dumb jock cliche than before. God, it's just kind of disappointing. Sometimes it sucks when your beliefs are proven to be right.
People in your life can make you believe some weird things. For instance, there might be something that your friends and family think you're crazy for doing, but sometimes are fairly normal activities. Here's a few that I've heard:

"Look at Hannah, enjoying her food."
"What, studying? Why not watch tv instead?"
"You don't want to watch this movie/TV show because you've already seen it? Weird."

Of course I've heard more, but that's what I've remembered lately. I suppose there's nothing to do about it.

What normal thing have you done that has been laughed at for being weird?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Running Overtime

I keep on thinking it's Saturday, but that's because my schedule today has been a lot like my Saturdays... So now, I'm exhausted. Let me explain.

Yesterday, I ran 8 miles. Normally, I have a rest day and them run a long run on Saturday. Instead, I ran an 18 mile run today. I was so exhausted in the last mile or so I wanted to cry, but I couldn't because that would take more energy.

I feel like I really haven't had a chance to stop for the day until 9 tonight, so I'm probably a tad crabby because I haven't gotten a chance to rest. As soon as I was done, I showered, drove for an hour or so, went to an art show, and... here we are. Guh.

Lesson learned? I don't think I can ever run a long run on a Friday ever again. Also, apparently I can't make weekend plans before Saturday ever again... at least until I'm done training.

When was the last time you decided to do too much at once?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Big Goals, Future Goals

So Spanish. We've been meeting for five weeks now, and it's been going pretty well hasn't it? Actually, it's been draining. I'm glad that after this summer fling, we'll part on our own paths. Because four hours of Spanish? It's not a great deal.

Thursdays are quite crazy for me. Waking up at 7:00 A.M., then getting home at 7:00 P.M? What is this, the real world? From that, you might be able to realize that I don't have many exciting stories from the day.

That does get me thinking about the real world though. I seem to have a new idea about how I should live my life every second. Should I go? Should I stay? What would be the best plan for the future? Who knows if I should worry about the future, and instead worry about the now?
Then I have a new idea on what to do with my life when I see my English muffin pop up from the toaster, making me think of some metaphor for life.
Not really, but almost.

I want to do a lot of things in life. Who doesn't? For now, I have one main goal, and that's to run the marathon in October. After that, we'll see what big goal I make next.

I'd worry about weight and such, but for now... Ugh. This training is screwing with my appetite and body weight. I think I'm getting bigger, which feels like a disappointment but then I think, "Who else other than myself cares that much about my weight?" It feels like I'm disappointing someone, but I shouldn't be stressed about it.
I'd rather stress about figuring out things I need for living next year, driving arrangements, and my race.

Long run tomorrow... Hoo boy.

What are your big goals right now?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Let's See Some Ridiculous-ness

With the good ol' blog here, I'm never sure if mindcasting or lifecasting is more interesting. "My life isn't that exciting" I think, but then I ponder "Well, does my point of view sound stupid? Or maybe the topic itself is dumb. Gah!" You'd think after almost a year, I'd know how to do this blogging thing right, but then again I'm still having issues with allowing people to comment. I dunno.
As for the mindcasting vs lifecasting idea, I'll just write whatever comes to my mind for the day I suppose. Like I have been doing? Whatever.

On my mind for this evening? Ridiculous-ness.

Truthfully, there's only one ridiculous thing I feel I need to show tonight:

Oh. Oh dear. Well, I suppose that it's good that you've gotten out of the house... but then again, this was in the parking lot for Borders, so it's a work in progress.

Speaking of Borders, have you heard the news that it's liquidating? Makes me want to cry, because there's a Borders I loved that will be gone forever.
But back to the ridiculous-ness. There's a music video that is extremely popular at the school I'm going to next year, but it's not because it's good. It's popular because it's that bad. Just watch it for yourself.

Let me smash it and bang it.
One day a couple of my friends and I decided to see if there were any other songs from this Turquoise Jeep Records. Oh yes, there are. All of them are completely mind-boggling, but the chorus of this one is stuck in my head:

I know. I KNOW.

How do these things even happen?

What's one of the most ridiculous things that you've seen lately?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Squabbling Freakout Events

I always thought that it would be depressing to go to a movie by myself. My mom and my sister told me that it wasn't sad, if you want to go to a movie just go. Pish, what nonsense.

But then this last Sunday I did just that. And really, don't knock it until you try it.

What I went to see was the movie Horrible Bosses, which I really wanted to see. Jason Bateman, Jason Sudekis, and Charlie Day? Yes!

Which brings me to the movie. I thought it was great, funny, all of that good stuff. It's interesting about the funniness though because there seems to be a trend going on in comedy movies now that I'd like to call the Squabbling Freakout Event.
As you've seen in a lot of movies, there are many instances where the main characters all start talking about an event going on. This usually leads to all of them talking at once. During this time, some of the funniest lines tend to be said, and I think the reason for that are the comedians themselves. These moments give them the chance to improv, and let them think of some of the goofiest lines you've ever heard.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I think it's actually a great way to go about making funny parts in movies. It's just kind of funny that it's become such a mainstream thing. I remember when more indie movies did it, now it's so much more mainstream. Humor changes with time, like everything else. For instance, I don't think as many people now think slapstick is that funny. Even sarcastic humor isn't as funny to us as it was in the 90s.

Guh, I can't believe it's only Tuesday. Then again, there is no way in heck that I'm ready for my long run yet, so it's kind of okay that it's only Tuesday.

I tried looking up an image for an example of the Squabbling Freakout Event in action, but they were no where to be found. People really like seeing Jen Aniston nibbling on a concerned Charlie Day's ear though. Goodness.

What things have you seen change through time that you wouldn't have thought of changing?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting into Cooking Mode

The kitchen smells like curry. I smelled like curry in the shower. The whole house smells like curry.

This means that I was able to cook something! And not kill myself from food poisoning in the process.

I've mentioned before that I'm a terrible cook. I don't know much about it, but I sure can bake. Well, cookies I suppose. I almost have the recipe for chocolate chip cookies memorized, but I digress. However, with my lack of cooking experience, I've always wanted to know how to cook. I remember in high school signing up for Foods class every term and I never got in. Don't ask me why, I seriously don't know. Along with the desire to cook, now it's something that I need to learn how to do correctly due to the fact that I won't be living in a place with a meal plan.
I have baked some bread this summer, but one cannot live on bread alone and not get bored. I like my meat!

Back to the dinner. I made something called West Indian Chicken Curry Flurry. More complicated than toasting an English Muffin, but I was ready for the challenge. Pretty much every way you could put yourself in danger while cooking? Probably did all of that. Cooked in clothing that was likely to be hazardous? Check. Almost get attacked by hot oil? I tried doing this correctly, but somehow the oil was still after me. I'm onto you oil. Sure, it may look a little terrifying...

But you know what? I'm happy. And eating what looks like a real meal?
Ranch from American Dream Pizza. You can't throw that stuff out.

That feels pretty good. Yeah yeah, it's a little pathetic that I'm getting so excited over this, but I just haven't really cooked much. I'm always worried I'm gonna screw it up, but I realized that cooking? Not that difficult.
It was way overly spiced though. Ah well.

It's been quite a long time since I've done a Things That I Have Learned from Fictional Characters, and I think I should do something with that again. Therefore, I have a simple thing that I learned while finishing up Paper Towns last night. No matter how much we want someone to be the version of them that we perceive, it may never be who they really are. People are not ideas we make them out to be, they're just people. I wish I had a better way of explaining myself, but for now I do not.

More cooking will commence! I also want to make more bread. As for tonight? It's time for me to go to bed.

As for comments on the last two posts:
Man, I want to read Bossypants!
As for the search for Draco, they don't do much with it in the movie in my opinion.

What have you cooked recently that was different for you?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Reading and Fear of Repetition

There are quite a few little things I have to talk about, so let's get started, shall we? (I've never been good with introductions.)

I haven't been participating in my self English Class Summer Reading challenge (as I like to call it) very well. However on that same note, I have done a decent amount of random reading. I read one of Chelsea Handler's books that was sitting in the garage. I'm not sure whose book it is, but I decided it was free to read. Now I'm reading a book called Paper Towns, which is a young adults novel. Seem a little odd, but it interested me due to the fact the author is part of a vlog I watch. It almost makes me feel like I know a published author. That's one of the fun things about the Internet: You feel like somehow you know all of these people. Like, it's someone you've seen in a class, even though in reality you'll probably never see these people in real life.

Today my parents asked if I would like to go see Harry Potter again. I don't want to seem like I'm less of a fan of Harry Potter fan than I am, (Geez that sounds nerdy) but I wasn't really in the mood to go watch it again. I wondered why on Earth I wouldn't want to go watch something again that I thoroughly enjoyed. Then it hit me. I hate repetition.
Now, that isn't to say that I like life changing on me all of the time. I like having a schedule, I like having solid plans. You'd think that someone who likes to have set situations in their life wouldn't despise repetition, but hear me out. All of my life I've liked going through things, trying to get them done as quickly as possible (as well as with as much quality as possible, but that's in certain situations.) When I become interested in a show, I want to go through the episodes as quickly as possible to get to the current situation. There have been very few times where there is a show I like and I haven't gone through the past episodes like a maniac. I like knowing all of the facts, and the only way to do that is to go through the entire thing. However, as soon as I'm done... I never watch them again. I'm the same way with movies, stories, events, almost everything. Also for every goal I make, as soon as I complete I start to think "What's next?" I get bored quickly, and want to move on.

Is this a good way to live? Or a terrible way to live? I honestly have no idea, but it might be on the negative side which worries me. If I'm constantly thinking about the future, how will I enjoy the current situation? If I get bored with things quickly, what type of career am I going to be looking for?
I have no freakin' idea. Geez, I mean I'm only nineteen, I don't know how to solve my late teen crisises (or however you write the plural form of crisis).

I suppose I could write more, but that's probably a lot of blather for one night anyway. Beside, I have school tomorrow... Yeah, not looking forward to that. Five more weeks...

Read any good books this summer?

A Lack of Motivation

The run today? Not a good one. Sure, I was able to get as far as I wanted to get in, but... let's just not go there.

I'm going through a lack of motivation to do anything. Which is really getting on my nerves, because at the same time I'm thinking of all of these wonderful ideas I want to go through with. I don't know what my deal is.

The lack of motivation is hitting me here too, because I have no idea what else to write about tonight. I suppose I'll just bid y'all good evening.

What do you do to get yourself out of a lack of motivation funk?

Friday, July 15, 2011

The End of Harry Potter

I'm not gonna lie. I've been wandering aimlessly around my house for awhile in a strange state of sadness and confusion brought on by the mix of a lack of sleep plus hormones effing with me.

I know, I know. I've talked about Harry Potter for the last few days, but this is probably going to be the last of it. Forever.

... I think I might cry.

So last night, my friends and I drove to the theater at about 7:30 to wait until the midnight showing of HP and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. As the time crept closer and closer to midnight, I realized I wasn't ready for it to all end. There were no more books. There were no more movies. This was the last of it all.

But there's nothing we can do about it, except reminisce about all of the incredible moments it brought us, eh?

I remember listening to the second book on a road trip to California.
I remember locking myself in the bathroom at three in the morning, finishing up the Half Blood Prince, reading the part where Dumbledore dies.
I remember thinking "What are the Hoacruxes?"
I remember my first Harry Potter midnight movie showing.
I remember laughing and crying while reading the final book on a road trip with my cousins, all of them staring at me like I was mad.

There are so many memories that I've associated with HP, and all of those memories came flooding back at I watched the final movie play on the screen.

Oh, and there was crying involved. Not just by me, but by the whole theater. Some of the events that didn't make me cry in the book devastated me in the movie.

One of the funniest things about the whole series is how my favorite character turned out. Ever since I heard his silly name and goofy charm, Neville Longbottom has been my favorite character.
Later, it turns out that he's super tough, and could have been the chosen one.
I recall watching the fourth movie, exclaiming my admiration for Neville, and my sister saying, "Eh, he's weird looking though."
This is Neville from the fourth movie...

And this is what the actor looks like now.

Who was on the right track? This girl.

Harry Potter has been involved in my life for about half the time I've been alive. So yeah, it's been a big deal. And now it's done?
I'm still not handling it well. I suppose all that I can do it wonder where my Hogwarts acceptance letter got lost in the mail.

What series has been a special part of your life?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry potter midnight

Almost forgot a post for the night... but can't say much. Just at the midnight showing for harry potter. We'll talk more tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The End of an Era

Y'know, I've been surprisingly quiet about a certain subject. I suppose I didn't want to bore everyone out there who isn't a fan. Yet, if you're not a fan, I simply feel sad for you.

Tomorrow, at midnight, a phenomenon ends.

A fan base joins together to experience the final part of an incredible series.

Yes, Harry Potter 7 Part 2. The midnight showing is happening tomorrow.

Really, what else can I say about HP that hasn't already been said? All I know is that I've been prepping for tomorrow, but I don't think there's anything I can say other than I can't wait.

I'm going to wake up at seven tomorrow, and probably go to sleep at three the next morning. I'm going to be sitting outside of a theater for about four and a half hours. And I can't wait.

So Harry, let's experience the end of something great. Together! (God I've seen that commercial way too many times.)

By the way, that's the picture that my sister framed. I believe it needs to come with me to the premiere.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Deal With The Television

So it's only Tuesday? Okay, sure.

The world today is filled with a ton of distractions. It's easy to say that you'll only spend a few minutes looking at something only to discover you've been observing whatever it is for almost an hour.

One of the biggest distractions of today? The T.V.

I know that I've admitted to enjoying a few shows, which I think is fine. However, there are times I think, "Why bother?"

I know that I've spent summers wasting my time watching reruns and all that jazz. It's a bit depressing really, but what's done is done. This summer, I've hardly spent time gazing at the tube. I watch my Glee Project on Sundays, Futurama on Thursdays, and occasionally watch E! news, but even that is looking less appealing lately.

I suppose that things clicked when my sister was flipping through channels one day. She proclaimed, "There's nothing on!", which instantly made me think, "Then why bother watching it?"

Seriously though. Why waste your time on something that you don't even find entertaining?

One of the other things that has made this summer so summer-y is the fact that I'm not wasting a bunch of time watching TV. Plus, I'm actually using the sunny times of the day to be out where it's actually, you know, sunny. The shows I like are on when it's dark and cold out, so it's not cutting into that.

Somehow, I'm not sure how though, I was taught that badmouthing the T.V. makes you pretentious. No, I wasn't actually told that, but you know how you get the vibe of something you should be doing? It kind of felt like that. Y'know, like those uppity people who sneer, "We don't own a television." It's not quite the same, but call me pretentious. I also happen to like spending time with *gasp!* quiet! Helps me think.

When my dad gets home from work, he almost instantly turns on the television. It stays on as he falls asleep on the couch, and finally gets turned off when he wanders up to bed in the middle of the night. I don't want that to be me.

So yeah, I like T.V., but more than an hour at a time isn't happening.
(But if I'm running on the treadmill at school, it's a pretty good distraction.)

As a last little bit since I'm on the subject of TV, does anyone out there watch The Glee Project? It's kind of my guilty pleasure. This week's episode featured Hannah getting annoyed at Samuel because he stole her "Skadoosh" line.
Sorry to break it to you, but that's from Kung Fu Panda. Get over yourself.

Are you a constant TV viewer, an occasional viewer, or someone who never watches TV?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Adventures on Public Transportation

It's always nice to have transportation readily available, isn't it?

That's why it's nice to have a car. If you own a car, that means you don't have to rely on others for rides, you don't need to know the bus schedule, and you go places on your own time. Having a bike is another nice option for most, mainly if you're living in the city.

Because of having a car I can drive, I tend to not ride the bus. Really, there's no need and why should I pay fare for a ride that doesn't leave when I'm ready? But today, I decided to go on the adventure that the bus gives.

The whole idea started when I remembered what day it was. Today was July 11th, or 7-11. Every year, I want to participate in the day, so I was determined to get my booty down to get my free mini slurpee. I had to go on a run today as well. Deciding to kill two birds with one stone, I took myself on a 5.5-ish mile run to the 7-11. I got my slurpee and walked about a mile to the bus stop. (The next bus was coming in about an hour, so what would be the point in riding a different bus there?)

For some people who don't ride the bus often like myself, it can feel kind of like an adventure. You're in town with the only other way to get home being a long walk home. The bus decides when it wants to come, and where it wants to go. I suppose it's the same idea of how people get excited to ride the train. It's not something you get to do everyday.

There is simply one thing that I learned from my ride on the bus today. There are some strange people that ride the bus.
Before even embarking on the journey, I sat at the bus stop and listened to two idiotic stoner preteens talk. One threw his backpack on the ground, then freaked out because he remembered the pipe he just bought was in there, and hopefully it didn't break. Then they talked about other stoners they knew who were on probation for getting caught with pot. Oh yes, there was more than one friend of theirs they knew who was on probation.
I got on the bus with the two stoner kids, one woman who looked like she'd hit the hard stuff, and another woman who gave off the vibe "When I'm around people, I talk to them even if they're not listening. When I'm at home I talk to my cats." She was just a little creepy. There were some normal people who got on the bus as well, but the weird outweighed the normal.
Out of all of the people on the bus, there was one person who concerned me the most.

A young boy.

Now, you may think it's strange to have a young boy worry me, but let me just tell you the story of this young boy. I know it, because he told it to the bus driver loudly and proudly. He had ridden almost every bus, and decided that he wanted to ride this bus today to see where it went. Once this bus went on its loop, he would ride another bus home. He wants to be a truck driver when he grows up.
No, his parents weren't around. Yes, he just liked to ride the buses.
He was 11 and 3/4ths years old.

I suppose I could have admired his spunk, but all I could think was, "Where are his parents?! Aren't they worried that their kid is just randomly riding around on buses?"

Finally before snapping because of the guy who decided to sit next to me that was constantly sniffling, I arrived home. (I can't stand annoying sounds. They just stress me out.)

I think the buses might be a little more normal during the school year when there are more students, but for now? There's an odd bunch that ride the bus.

When was the last time you rode on a bus? Who has been the strangest character you've ever seen riding on the bus?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Town Tours, Bakeries and Summer Days

The morning started with waking up about 8:15, and walking in town to a bakery I had heard about. I didn't know it when I first wanted to go there, but it's only open on Sundays. Today I would finally be able to venture into the bakery.
Well, it turns out that the bakery wasn't open until noon, but we managed to go to a bakery... right next door. I'd been to the one next store, which is cute but kind of eh. Still, it was fun to have bakery breakfast.

Later in the day, we once again decided to walk into town, this time my sister and mom joining for lunch. Walking along to lunch in the warm sun simply screamed summer. It was fantastic.

Before we headed back home, the bakery that I had hoped to visit was finally open, and it was spectacular. The bakery was simply a large room that had all of the ovens in it, making the room quite toasty. On the left wall there was a board with a time when each type of bread would be finished baking. Currently, he had French and Apricot Flax made, Blue Corn was next. I bought a loaf of the Apricot, but before heading out he threw in a baby loaf of the Blue Corn right out of the oven. Fantastic.

The blue corn bread? AMAZING.
I'm a sucker for bakeries. I know it's a "Stuff White People Like" thing, but I can't help myself! I would love to work in a bakery once in my life. I don't know why, I just would love to!
Y'know, despite working and taking summer classes, somehow this summer has felt... more summer-y than usual? Well, you know when you watch movies, and the kids seem to spend summer how everyone thinks you should spend summer? That's how I feel this summer has been.

How do you feel about bakeries? What random type of place do you adore?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Long Runs Equal Energy Zappers

Long run days can take a lot out of me, but I don't really notice it until a couple hours later. And when you've had that wall of exhaustion hit you, you do not want to do anything. You especially don't want to have to walk up and down stairs.

Guess what I got to do?

One of my little cousins came over to visit, and for some reason no one else was available to play with the three year old bundle of energy. Moments before, she had passed out for about five minutes and that's when I hit my wall. She decides she wants to play "Castle" with me. "Castle consists of throwing a feather boa down the stairs, going down to get it, and going back up to throw it again. This repeated several times. So I'm tired.

I love my long runs, but they screw with my system like crazy! I'm munching on things like crazy, and it throws my hunger gauge off every time I have a long run.

I'm also getting a wicked runner's tan.

Aw yeah.

So, I really can't think much. Yeah.

Last thing on my mind: I've been having quite a few problems with blogger for awhile now, so I'm thinking I might change hosting sites. Any suggestions?

Suggestive Spills and Face Masks

Hello everyone! What did you do today?

Personally, I didn't do much. Well, except kill a man.

HA! I'm just kidding, that ominous red stain isn't blood. It's raspberry syrup concentrate. Looks like it though.
The reason behind the syrup spill is because my family has a shaved ice machine and flavors that we lend out to the tennis team. When we were on tennis during high school this is how we fundraise, and now they're doing it themselves. We still have to make syurps, but having a shaved ice machine is pretty sweet.

I didn't do much today, and a big reason behind that was because I slept in really late. I suppose my body was glad to finally be able to get some rest after a long week.

My sister is here again for the weekend, and she convinced me to do this:

I've only done face masks once or twice before, and I must say they are odd. It was so cold!
Other than that, something got me angry earlier, and I basically acted like a preteen about it. I think I had good reason to be angry, I just didn't go about showing that anger the right way. Gah.

Have you ever done a face mask before?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Age Old Question Regarding Food

I'm done with Spanish 201! ...Now onto Spanish 202, starting on Monday. Huzzah.

I may only have nineteen years under my belt, but I know that there is one question out there that should be fairly simple that instead is one of the most frustrating questions to answer.

Where should we go out to eat?

I'm not the only one out there who finds this question so baffling, I know it.

Why is it that question is so difficult to answer? I don't know. It's especially bothersome in a place you know well, because you think, "We went there a few days ago, I don't want that."

90% of the time, everyone knows what they're in the mood for food wise. It's simply trying to analyze what the rest of your group would approve of.

Which usually means someone is disappointed. Maybe not always, but it's certainly not uncommon.

I'm tired. How will my long run fare being tomorrow? Ack.

How do you decide on where to eat when with a group?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Watching Iconic Movies

You know when you finally finish something you've been meaning to do for a long time? It's a little weird when you finally do it after saying you will for so long.

For me?

I finally got to watching one of the most iconic movies ever created.

I watched The Godfather.

It's always weird watching a movie that has been so hyped up by everyone around you. Of course The Godfather has, it's won awards and is known as one of the greatest movies ever created. Also one of the longest. Yes, it was long. Did I like it? Well, it's kind of hard to say how much. Yes, but not as much as I thought I would? That sounds about right.
Everything was good in it- the story, the acting, everything. I think it's just when something is hyped up for so long, the only way it can fill that gigantic void is if it starts shooting money out of the screen and gives you a massage as you're watching it.

Despite all of this negative talk, I did like it. It kept me intrigued the entire time, and all that jazz. (Except maybe about 10 minutes where I thought, "Geez, it's STILL not over?")

Plus I'm a sucker for big Italian families.

Tony! You left the cannoli cream in the oven room!
Have you ever seen The Godfather? What did you think about it?
What's a movie that's been hyped so much your expectations are higher than they should be?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Cycle of Cleanliness

Can we go back to the weekend? I liked the weekend. Ah well.

Hello everyone! I am tired! Then again, who isn't?

Maybe it's the fact I'm at home again. Maybe it's because there's more room. Whatever it is, my room has been getting messier and messier lately. Here's how it usually goes:

Monday- Room is clean, nice looking because things were picked up during the weekend.
Tuesday- No time to hang that shirt up, I'll remember later.
Wednesday-I don't have time to pick that up, I'm getting things ready for tomorrow!
Thursday-Wasn't this room clean at the beginning of the week. (Mom: No.)
Friday-Where did my desk space go?
Saturday- Where did my floor space go?
Sunday- Room all cleaned up again... Here comes Monday.

It's a cycle. Probably won't be broken anytime soon.

Does where you're staying affect your cleanliness?

4th of July Fiesta

Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope your day was filled with cookouts, fireworks, and games. And if you're not from the states, hopefully it was a good day anyway.

It's terribly late and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I have to, bah. Today was fun, despite a lot of people stressing out. So many treats! Some very cool fireworks! I must go to bed now though.

How did you spend your 4th of July?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Spanish Compositions and Dried Fruit

Blah, I dislike Spanish compositions, and I don't think anyone else does either. So we're not going to talk about that. We're going to talk about dried fruit.

Oh yes. We're living on the edge over here.

From the very first time I tried an oatmeal raisin cookie, I knew that baked goods and dried fruit do not mix. Sure, there are many people out there who would disagree with my stance, like my own father. Favorite cookie is oatmeal raisin? What's wrong with him?

Strangely enough, despite my hatred of baked goods with dehydrated fruits I love dried fruit by itself. During the school year when I ate breakfast in Valsets, I would always take a scoop of raisins meant for waffle toppings just to munch on. Not as a garnish, just alone.
My favorite dried fruits are craisins and raisins, just because they're so good to chomp on. However, if I don't measure it out... I could probably take down a whole bag. And dried fruit can be pretty calorie-packed if you eat a lot of it.

...not to mention what cranberries are good for. Ack.

Then why is it when I see a raisin in my cinnamon roll, I'm grossed out? Maybe the softness of baked dough clashes with the... really, what consistency would you call dried fruit? I'm at a loss.

I'm off to the cousins' house, so ta ta!

What is your stance on dried fruit?

Awkward Looking Running Gear and Summer Homework

Ooh, I am tired! But let's continue.

What do you get when you take fruit snacks....

And you add running shorts with a front pocket?

You get what looks like lady junk. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it looks... well, ridiculous.

Long run today, meaning that pretty much my energy was drained for the rest of the day. Also, because I'm quite intelligent, I decided to run during the hours in which the sun is at its peak. Yeah, after the million times I've said that I'll never do that again... Here we are.

One of the things about having school during the summer means homework during the summer. I haven't had much, but today I needed to work on my part of a group project. I started it hours ago. I'm still working on it. Goodness.

Oh, and fireworks were purchased today. Don't worry, we'll be repping our patriotism for sure.

I have to finish up my project, but I'll see y'all tomorrow!

What's the weirdest exercise clothes has made you look?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer Days, Sitcom Sisters and Harry Potter Love

Ah, what a wonderful summery day. Fantastic.

Quite a few days have been overcast this summer, but today was one of the great days where you instantly think summer when you step outside.

Of course this led to laying out and reading in the sun. I finished Brave New World, the first of my English Class reading for the summer. Quite a good book, but very sad.

Later in the afternoon I was surprised when my sister walked in the door! The sister dearest has been at her school for summer classes, so she hasn't been around.

My sister and I? We play off each other like classic sitcom-y couples. Chloe is over the top, absurd, and likes to make herself known. I'm the more straight laced, stoic type when we get together. We play off each other, then creating hilarious situations (At least hilarious to us).

Case in point? The Harry Potter magazine cover.

As I've said before, I love Harry Potter. I grew up with HP, and obviously I have my ticket for the midnight showing already. With the undying love for HP plus the crazy fangirling I have for Entertainment Weekly, the fact that the newest issue was a special edition HP issue was fantastic. And it did not disappoint.
My sis is just as a crazy fan of HP and EW as I am, so she was just as excited to see the mag as I was at first. She gleamed with excitement, but she decided to take it just a step further.

"We should frame this."
So now, Harry is framed. We've also decided that it's going to one of those "Where's Harry Been?" things, in which we take picture of places with the pic. Well, we'll see if that turns out.

It's past midnight, but I started this post quite awhile ago... Bah. And long run is tomorrow! Scary.

Who brings out the goofiness in you?