Friday, May 6, 2011

Trying to Figure Out Live and Living in the Moment

It's Friday... Now what?

Lately I've just been thinking about stuff that need to get done. Not necessarily for the week, but in the future. I need to:
  • Figure out my rooming situation for next year
  • Figure out how I'm going to move everything out of my dorm in three hours on the last day of school
  • Calculate all of my spending for the year
  • Try to see if there are other job options for the summer
  • Talk to professors about missing a day of class for orientation of another school
I know that there are other things that I need to do, but I'm having trouble thinking of what I need to do next. It's kind of weird that I don't know what's up for the future, and I feel like I should care more. I'm living in the moment I suppose? For the day I suppose.

I hope everyone has a lovely evening!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, goodness. Moving on a deadline is always SO stressful. I would say, to speed up the process, start purging stuff now, that way it's easier to get out on the last day.

    Good luck!
