Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Makes the Perfect Mom?

Today was Mother's Day, and I'd like to think that everyone either spent time with their moms or sent them love any way they could.
With the idea of Mother's Day, it gets a person thinking. Just what makes the perfect mother? Really, the answer to that is different for everyone. For me, my perfect mom doesn't need to know how to cook the perfect meal. She sometimes can make dirty jokes that make you cringe and laugh at the same time. She doesn't always tell you what you want to hear, but sometimes tells you what you need to hear. She helps you out even when you say you don't need it (but in reality you do). She wants you to go for your dreams, but she wants you to look at things realistically. She's not trying to be negative, she just doesn't want to see you get hurt. The perfect mom isn't truly perfect. If she were, it wouldn't feel like she was as special. The perfect mom forgets things sometimes. She says things that can be really awkward.
But she's still perfect.

You may look at that and think, "What? Those are weird things to say about your mom being the best mom." Yet, I know if you listed off things for why your mom is the best, I might look at and think, "What the heck? I'm glad my mom isn't weird like that."
For instance, I just watched the movie Babies. Other than ogling at the adorable actions of some of the babies, I watched some of the parenting skill with absolute terror.
  • (Is it really a good idea to sit in a hot tub with a baby?
  • Why... Why did she wipe that there? I'm gonna throw.
  • The little guy is out there all alone! What are you doing?)
See? Even in different cultures, different cities! The right way to be a mom (or dad) can be seen in different ways. I know that I wouldn't have the first clue how to be a mom.

I love my mom, just the way she is. I get annoyed sometimes and I know she gets annoyed too, but that's just life.

Speaking of today, I decided to go down to the hometown to go to lunch and a movie with my mom. Somehow, I ended up getting help filling out forms, and getting food to bring home.

Oh mom.

If you have a mom, or maybe two moms, or maybe two dads, or whatever you have. Whoever raised you, don't just show them love on one day. Remember how awesome they are everyday.

What makes your mom special?

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh! I love that you finally saw Babies. And yes, despite the fact that it sounds totally bland and uninteresting, your jaw just drops the entire time.
