Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stepping into the New Frontier of the Internet

Fun fact about me: I am terrible at making up usernames. It's not just that, but I'll try to think of a username for something for hours. Sometimes I'll just stare at the screen, thinking about it. How depressing.

So I got a Twitter. Yup. I have no idea why I should even need a twitter, because in my book Twitter is for:
  1. Famous people or
  2. Extremely witty people (Comedians usually)
I'm not sure I can classify myself in either one of those categories. I'll try to fake it in the latter category. Now, I do have reasons why I actually thought getting a Twitter might be a good thing. First of all, everything is talking about how "it's a good way to network yourself". Do I know for what yet? No. Who knows what it could help me with in the future with though. Another reason has to do with Jimmy Fallon in a broad sense. Y'see, lately I've been watching clips from his show, and one of the segments he has is called "Hashtags". This is created by input from Twitter users, and for some of the subjects I've thought, "Hey, I have a good experience I could send in," then realizing that I do not have what is required to participate. This actually works for a lot of things, because a lot of TV shows and such that I'm a fan of only promote things through Twitter. In my sad little brain, this makes me think that the shows don't think I'm as big of a fan. I have the dumbest logic ever, but you see where this is going. Last reason? Lots of bloggers seem to have them and it seems like blog-y things travel through the Twitter-verse.

Anywho, now you can find me trying to be smarter than I actually am in a different area of the Internet, @HannahHasAFact. Ridiculous username? Perhaps. It's sort of based off of the same idea that this blog is titled after, because in almost every conversation I have I have to throw in some random fact like a pretentious jackass. Good lord, that was a run on sentence. I felt a touch of relief when I saw that you could change it in the future if desired.

Did I just write a whole blog post on justifying why I created a Twitter? I think I did. There is something wrong with me. Then again, I usually end up joining in on the trend as soon as it starts fading. I'm like when parents start joining the Facebook, and it's not cool anymore. Eh.
If you just got a rando-person following you, now you know why.

So, to all of those in Twitter-land: Any good people to follow I should know about?

1 comment:

  1. @whatkateiscooking is someone for you to follow. I'm trying to find you right now and am failing miserably - search me and follow me: @kljwm

    I am SO excited for this development!
