Monday, November 7, 2011

Life As a Duck: Getting Accustomed to U of O

So, grump-a-lump Hannah is gone, and regular Hannah seems to have returned. Also, I need to stop with the third person crap. Ha, anywho...

There are times where I start to miss good ol' WOU. Mostly, it's for the people that I met there. I wonder if they miss me, or if they've moved on? Well, I still see people and think, "Oh that's So-and-so! Wait... Never mind."
However, I mention that first because in reality, I'm getting more and more accustomed to UofO. What do ya know, getting used to a place takes time! What a concept.

Here are just a few things that have made me appreciate this place:
There is always something going on. Today when riding over to an appointment, a commercial was being filmed with Puddles.
This is Puddles. He does Push ups.
Sure, it was just to send to alumni for the holidays, but there's always something to be entertained/interested by. Walking by the EMU? There's a person selling clothes there today. Oh look, there's a singing group performing. Seriously, I've seen some crazy things. Craziest probably being the zombie walk, which apparently happens every year. This year, they were the 99% at the same time. Weird mix? Indeed.

There are a lot more things to get involved with. At WOU, I tried to get into groups. I asked if they had a running club and they didn't. One of my friends and I tried to make a movie fan club type thing, but it didn't really work out. (We got information about forming a club too late.) Here on the other hand has plenty of things to get involved with, as you've heard me talk about. As for getting involved, that doesn't just mean clubs and intramural sports. There are more places to go, things to see, parties to attend. 'Tis a good thing.

Football is actually you know, a big deal here. Out of all of the sports to watch, I've talked about how I like to watch football. At WOU, I went to games quite a bit but it was kind of sad. There was no spirit section, most of the people in the stands were alumni, and our team was awful. It's cool when you get to a school that has the second loudest college football stadium in the nation. Plus, it doesn't hurt that the team is good.

Finally, it's cool to be at a place where almost everything has a little secret history to it. For instance, there's a weird guy who is always panning off his joke book in front of a bookstore on campus. Yeah, it's annoying like you would thing, but the other day I learned the story of Frog. That's what he's called. Apparently, he's been selling that joke book for decades, and he even was in a court case in the 70's debating if he was allowed to sell the books in the street like that. And apparently, he hella won that case. It's just weird little facts and tidbits that I keep learning that are quite interesting.

I'm sure there are other things that are making me like this town, but I'm not really sure what they are right now. Likewise, there are things that I'm still disliking or worried about. I'm terrified about grades, simply because I'm worried about being able to study abroad and getting into the J school here. Most of my classes are alright, but there are some... maybe it's just the classes, not the school. Probably. I think WOU just felt safer since the classes were smaller, meaning it was easier getting to know your professors and such. Then again, I'm a worrywart.

Gosh, I didn't do anything today... at least that's how it felt. I did make/go to some appointments, studied up on programs, just... I don't know. Should have worked on my essay more, but what can you do? I'll work on it more tomorrow. Besides, I've already looked at it for awhile.

What are some positives you can think of about the last place you moved to?

1 comment:

  1. Third Person is JUST fine. It's your blog girlfriend - you get to type what you want!

    I'm glad that perky Hannah is back ;) But if you feel the need to be stresed/worried/fussed about The Universe, it's just fine. We all go through those phases.

    p.s. I'm so glad you have a fun football school - I think that changes the atmosphere on campus x100
