Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Feelings of Winning and Losing

There I sat, staring at my hands in front of me. Two of my fingertips throbbing, I couldn't concentrate because they reminded me of what had happened before. After what seemed to be a day of pure winning, I was overcome with the sense of failure.

Before I continue into what appears to be an odd attempt at writing with wit, let's observe why the day had started out with the extreme feeling of success.

I love it when teachers adore me. I believe it's because I have this slightly twisted idea that somehow, I've won. To explain it, it's almost as if it's a game to do well in a class. One of the objectives in achieving this goal includes having the teacher like you. If they like you, they're more likely to give you a good grade. Perhaps this isn't the best mindset to have, but I can't help it! The reason I mention all of this is because my History professor adores me. I'm pretty sure she wants me to go into history. I can't help but feel cocky!

The other shining light in my day came in my Spanish class next, when I got my Examen 8 back. There was a lovely little A at the top of the test. Basically, the day felt like an incredible win.

Why the feeling of failure then? It all started when I decided that I was going to donate blood. Of course, donating blood would make you feel pretty great, right? I would have too... If I was allowed to. You see, apparently my iron levels were too low.
I couldn't believe it. The last two times I've donated, they told me I had an excellent amount of iron. Alas, that was not the case today. They pricked two of my fingers, just to make sure. Yes, please repeat my least favorite part of the donating process twice, thank you. I like having bruises on my fingertips.

I staggered away from the donation site, overcome with a feeling of utter failure. What had I done wrong? I ate red meat. I ate a healthy diet. That brings us back to where we were at the beginning of this post. I was even provided with a note explaining why I still had the normal amount of blood in my veins. The letter was like a note from the principal explaining that I wasn't being a good student. It mocked me.

Now that I've had time to register my thoughts, I realize it's not so bad. We have our wins and our losses, and today was definitely a sign of that. Still, I have to wonder why my iron was low. I've lost some weight since I last donated, though it hasn't felt like it. I haven't taken multivitamins in awhile either. I just hate that feeling.

Life is life. I need to stop worrying about it and move on. I've got a lot of things to think about, but not being able to donate blood isn't one of them. (Although, I should probably watch out.)

Night to you all! Let's all have a wonderful tomorrow!

Do you usually have good days and bad days, or is everyday a mix of good and bad?

1 comment:

  1. I know my fiance gives regularly and even he gets turned away from time to time. It's part of the weird black hole that is blood donation.
