Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Oddities of the Human Body, Lazy Saturday and The Town

The human body is a strange and complicated thing. Each little part works together, yet has its own special feature. At times, the parts don't always work together the way you think they would.
Starting out on a run this morning, my legs and my upper body felt like two separate entities. It was as if my legs were an excited dog who just couldn't wait to run, and my upper half was the owner being dragged along.

My legs just wanted to go! Maybe it's because I haven't been running very long distances lately. I need something to work for. In other areas of my body being goofy, I've found my elbows are getting calloused. I had no idea why they were like that, until I realized: My elbows are getting calloused from planks. It's so ridiculous I have to just laugh at it!

I can't believe the day has gone by so quickly! I was supposed to get all sorts of work done today, because nothing's going to get done tomorrow. Yet, here were are and it's 10:00 pm. Dangit. Perhaps waking up later in the day has caused my time to disappear. I would not doubt it.

My biggest concern has been writing out a page of note for my History midterm. Our professor allows us a page of notes, which is pretty cool. Yet, writing out that page is somewhat painful. I know the information, I just don't want to write it out! Bah. So what have I done today? Ran, put clothes away, watched The Town. Seriously, what did I do?
Speaking of which, The Town is an odd movie. I won't go all review-y out on you all, but I will say a few things. I had a hard time trying to figure out how I felt about the characters. In one scene, I'd like a certain character, then the next have no pleasantness towards them whatsoever. Along with that, there were just some ideas that were too ridiculous to take seriously. Still, it was an entertaining movie.

I suppose it was nice to have such a chill day, but I'm so anal I feel like I need to get stuff done! Actually in retrospect, I do need to get stuff done. Unlike my room mate who seems to be part cat, I can't sleep all day. I'd like to do well in school, thank you very much.

Goodnight, or Good morning to those of you in different time zones. I'm off to try to study more. ...We'll see how that turns out.

1 comment:

  1. I always used to get SO anxious about figuring out what, specifically should go on the notes page. I mean, what if you end up writing everything out and then it's not on the test. It's a perfectionist thing - good luck, lady!
