Thursday, September 15, 2011

Family Comparisons

I'm still thinking that it's August. Not really a good thing, eh?

The moving extravaganza ended today, for I moved into my apartment. Hmm. I suppose that's a lie, because I still don't have a bed there, and I'm currently back at my parent's house. Yuppers.

Earlier today, I was thinking about comparisons. Not like the comparison I've talked about before (grades, skills, etc.), but when other people compare you to someone else.

Personally, I hate being compared to other people. When I was younger, I would tell people that I wanted to be the original, don't compare me to that person. Honestly, I think it's still a good way to think about ourselves. For instance, there are plenty of quotes out there explaining how there's no other person like you, so why be someone else? ...Or something along those lines. I'm getting off topic though.

The point is, comparisons are not my thing. I'm fine with being compared to my mom- I get why I'm getting the comparisons. We're very similar. However, there are times when I really don't want the comparison.

"Oh, that's so like          , haha!"

You recoil back in horror. Really? Like that person? What if it's a person you really don't want to be compared to? Ever? I saw this happen to my sister, and saw her eyes grow large in terror. Did they really just say that? Yes. Yes they did. And they find it to be a loving comment. Which you do not agree with.

And I know this horror, because I've had it happen myself.

You can't say anything either, because they'll know your true bitchy thoughts.

I'll admit it. I'm a bitch. I know it, but I also know proper etiquette. And that means don't say that you hate their comparison.

The one comparison I surprisingly don't mind? When my cousin calls me Alicia. It's just funny.

Like, whatever!
Have you ever been compared to someone you wished you weren't compared to?

1 comment:

  1. My parents always used to compare me to my older sister - who they no longer speak to. I guess I got the last laugh there...

    But I have a major problem comparing myself to everyone in the world. It's a horrible habit!
