Sunday, January 30, 2011

The King's Speech, British Actors and Outside Running Situations

Weekends are too short, aren't they? Eh, well a new, hopefully exciting week is here now!

Last night I went to go see The King's Speech. All I have to say is that I loved it. Well, that's not all I have to say.
Oh Colin Firth, why is it that you became one of my favorite actors? I'm not really sure. Pehaps it was in Love Actually, one of the best romantic comedies ever (in my opinion.)

It might have even been in What a Girl Wants, a ridiculous movie that I admit I adore.

Oh geez. Even the movie poster is ridiculously cheesy!
I may never know, but some how it just happened. We have had our rough patches though, like A Single Man.

It wasn't that it wasn't a good performance, it was just dreadfully depressing.
But The King's Speech? I don't know what it is, but you've done it again.
The whole movie overall was just wonderful. I thought that all of the acting was superb, and strangely enough the music drew me in. The reason that's strange is because that's usually not one of the things I notice about movies, but the music in this made me... smile. It was just so pleasent to the ears. Yeah, I know how crazy I sound. Speaking of the acting, Helena Bonham Carter didn't creep me out like usual, and that's saying something! I mean no offense to anyone out there who's a fan of hers, she just... usually creeps me out.

One of the funniest things about movies with British actors is when you play the "Let's spot the Harry Potter Characters" game with it. Because if you have a lot of British actors, there's bound to be one HP cast member in the bunch. There was Bellatrix (duh), Peter Pettigrew, and... Dumbledore! Oh man. My friend actually pointed it out to me.
Me- "That guy looks so familiar... What is he in?"
Danyon- "Oh my gosh, it's Dumbledore!"
Me- "... Oh my gosh!"
Dumbledore as a king? Coolio.

Oh dear, I didn't mean to talk so much about that movie. Oh well, what can you do. Today has been pretty much homework with a morning run and shower. I woke up at 10:00! I couldn't believe it, but I needed it. Ah. Now, let's remember to wake up on time tomorrow!

For my run, the weather was fantastic! The weather has been lovely in general lately. ...That makes me nervous. The run was pretty good, but because of the lovely weather other creatures like to be outside as well. The other creatures I'm talking about are bugs, and a bee flew into my hair during the run. I didn't get stung, but if you were driving towards WOU this morning and saw a girl flailing like crazy running by the road... that was me.

I really ought to start writing out my opinions on movies somewhere else. I talk about them far too much here. I suppose I'll write about other things tomorrow.

What type of bizarre situations have you faced while exercising?

1 comment:

  1. I saw a preview for The King's Speech and was like...Dumbledore...wha?
