Monday, January 10, 2011

Game Day and Taking Yourself Too Seriously

It's game day everyone! Booyah!

I'd like to talk about something that has occured twice in the past 24 hours, and it's something that is a bit irksome.

Seeing as it is game day, there are many out there that are getting excited, wearing duck gear, posting statuses, all those sort of things. Alas, there is always that one person who has to see the bad side of it. This is where one of my hall mates comes in. As scanning updates on Facebook as teenagers do, I stumbled across a status from said hallmate bitching about how ridiculous everyone is for cheering on the ducks because it's all about politics and money anyways. Let me stop you right there. This is something that irks me like none other, and I just don't know why. When it comes to football and things like that, I don't think about the politics of it all. I think of it as a fun thing to watch. I think of it as a team from my home state and where my sister and dad received schooling from. Quite honestly, a single thought passes through your mind:
"Dude, it's football. Chill the eff out and have some fun."

Then later she posted another status saying how duck fans need to chill out and get over themselves, blah blah blah. Um, saying things like that is kind of acting the same way. Psh.

Not everything needs to be analyzed. Some things are there to just enjoy. Not every occasion needs a thesis statement, people.

I mentioned that this has happened twice, and the other time happened last night. As I mentioned yesterday I watched some stand up comedy with some other hallmates. It was fun, but one of the hall mates had to analyze EVERY joke. It's like she needed a reasoning to why the jokes were humorous.
"Oh, I can understand why that would be funny because..."
Seriously. It's stand up comedy. Just laugh with it, don't give reasons why to laugh with it.

Besides, it's Gabriel Iglesias. Just laugh at his awesome sound effects man.
 So to end my little rant for the day, I say this: Sometimes things don't need excessive though. Relax. Have fun. Chill.

The game is starting soon! Yes!
Who are you rooting for in the BCS game tonight?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be honest, I had no idea that there were still BCS games this week.

    But I never understand why people always whine when everyone else is getting pumped up for a game. The whole "rain on the parade" thing is just so unnecessary.
