Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thus Begins the Halloween Weekend!

The weekend is here. That means it's time for Halloween weekend! I've actually returned from my first night of festivities, and have felt pretty successful in the costuming game.

Oh, I haven't show y'all my costume, have I? Well, it's simple, but I like it.
It's a type of food...
It's a candy...
It's a Jolly Rancher!

Yeah, not really sure what's up with the pose. Anywho, that's my costume and I'm stickin' to it. I just like making my own costume, you know? Even if it is fraying like crazy. Still, it helps it feel more original.

Well, that's all from me. I am exhausted, and I need sleep. May more exciting events occur tomorrow!

What are you dressing up as this Halloween?

1 comment:

  1. Yes - that is an absolutely perfect costume (and one I'm remembering for next year!).

    I'm being a Cougar (woman) in a leopard print wrap-romper. It's going to be epic.

    p.s. I heard someone use literally in place of seriously yesterday and it was an older co-worker who is obsessed with grammar. WTH?
