Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Midterms and Baking Blunders

Well those two midterms are done.

I find it so crazy that I'm worrying about midterms while students on the semester schedule are finishing finals.

And speaking of that, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle two finals on one day for both Monday and Thursday of Finals week. Today I had two midterms, and that killed me a bit.
Well, now is not the time to think about that. I can't help it, I'm such a planner-ahead that I tend to ruminate on what's to come rather than the now.

As for my midterms today, I felt okay on my first one and really good on my second one. That second one makes me happy because I was really worried about it. It's a 300-level class, ya know?

If my thoughts seem a little scattered, it's because I stayed up late studying. I made sure to sleep sure, but my body decided it was a better idea to wake up at seven per usual. I managed to nap a little more before the first one, but my body never adjusted to the lack of sleep. Man, I just really like my sleep.

After my midterms were over, I decided to do some baking. I was going to bake something for my aunt, and the only type of thing I had ingredients for were peanut butter cookies. I found a recipe and started in.
When I took out the cookies, something seemed off. I grabbed one only to discover they were super dry. Why cookies? Why you gotta do that to me?

I'm thinking it's the recipe, but who knows. Maybe I didn't bake them right. I still have some dough in my fridge, so I'll test this out. The point is, I tend to have many baking faux pas.
I know that I don't know much about cooking, but I tend to feel decent about my baking. However, as you can see from the example above I make a lot of mistakes from time to time. I can make bread, and I can make cookies. Still I make mistakes.

The biggest mistake I ever made baking was when I was making some rye bread. I had the special flour, I let it rise for a long time, and everything looked great. I added the rest of the ingredients, but as soon as I started working with it again something seemed off. The dough was extremely sticky. I emptied out the rest of the rye flour into the dough. What was wrong?
Suddenly I realized: I had added almost a full cup of water more than I needed.
The bread didn't rise obviously since it was a shaggy mass on a pan, but it actually tasted pretty good! I just had to slice the bread a little funny.

I think I just need to bake every week. That way, I'll get better at baking. Who knows.

What's been your biggest baking blunder?

1 comment:

  1. I hate baking. There, I said it. I do LOVE cooking, so I feel like if I can excell in one, I'm doing pretty good. :)
