Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter and Mondays

Oh, what a delightful weekend. I love a weekend where I can do social things with friends and do holiday things with family. Best of both worlds.

How was every one's Easter? Mine was quite nice. It wasn't due to a huge event or anything, it was just relaxing. The weather got to the low 70s and everyone kind of napped. Sometimes lazy day are the best.

...Until you realize your homework is going to take a lot longer than you thought, and you're not getting back to your apartment until the evening.
Eh, still worth it.

For this term I've realized that Mondays are going to be my busiest days. I have class from 10-4, with a couple little breaks in between.
I know. All of you working folk out there are laughing at me or scowling at me. I'm just not used to it though. Like I said, I have to get back into the flow of getting work down before anything else. And I'm actually getting better at it! Better, but not 100% perfect. Eh.

The point is I like starting out the week busier. The slowing down as the week progresses is nice, and makes the weekend that much more exciting. Last term, I had Fridays as my busy days, and I know I didn't like it. I wouldn't be anticipating the weekend, I'd be thinking, "Crap I have two quizzes coming!" Now? Big things done at the beginning. I like it.

It's time to either go to the gym or get started on my 125 English pages for tomorrow. Hmm... No matter what, they're both happening tonight.

How was your Easter?
Do you like having the week start out busy and then slow down, or do you like starting off slow then build up?


  1. 1. Even though mentally I like weeks that start slow and end busy, the reality is that I'm much better at starting busy and ending slow.

    2. My Easter was 11/10. So much food, so much family.

  2. I like it when it's steady busy all week..... It helps the days go by quicker. Even Friday. :)

    Easter was GREAT! My favorite part was flying kites. And then giving them to the girls at the park. #Love
