Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Televisions, Waxings, and Super 8

I can constantly hear the muffled sound of televisions at home. I forgot how nice it is to have quiet, but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. It just feels like everyone is continuously watching TV in this house. Now, I know I love Hulu, but for some reason I'm not much for TV.

My room right now? It's disastrous. I wonder how on earth I was able to get so much stuff into my dorm, because my room is insanely full of things. Where did it all go? I have no idea. I'm currently in the process, or should be in the process of cleaning things up. I keep on doing other things, or getting other things done, ya know?

In random news, I got my lip waxed for the first time ever! I've always been terrified of the idea of waxing my lip, but it wasn't that bad. She did use this numbing stuff though...

And yesterday, I went to see Super 8 with my sister and dad. SO GOOD. If a movie can put me through a spectrum of emotions, I tend to think it's a good movie. I don't really want to go into film review mode though, so I'll just leave it at that. Even if it is a little predictable.

A bit of a ramble, but that's just how things are working out lately. A lot of random thoughts just strung together. Have a lovely evening!

Have you ever gotten anything waxed before?

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