Friday, March 11, 2011

Looming Final Projects, Walking and Simple Savings

It may be the weekend, but all I can really think about it the impending final projects that could make or break my grade... Hooray!

While on the subject of final projects, I've been beginning to notice something interesting that happens to me. When I'm sitting at my desk in the room alone, I tend to get distracted easily. Then, as soon as my room mate comes in and starts hanging out, I become motivated to work. It's crazy how much more motivation I have when someone is watching me.

Having no official workout planned for the day, I felt like doing some sort of movement was necessary. So, off on a walk I went! I walked to the store in the nearby town to cash cans, and then came to the realization that it takes forever to walk places. Goodness.

The main objective of my walk was to cash some cans. Even though I didn't make much, it was still good exercise, no wasting of gas, and I was able to put more change into this guy:

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but awhile ago I went to a hall activity entitled something along the lines of "Making Green with Ham." The whole idea was to make a piggy bank, and maybe say something about how you save money. From that, I sort of expected to decorate a piggy bank but instead made this little thing. Now, whenever I have change it goes directly into the Travel Fund.

In you go!
You might not be able to tell, but on the Travel Fund are doodles that represent places I'd like to visit. I also put a little bit of cash in there each month, hoping to save up for something exciting. Every little coin counts!

Maybe someday?
 Hope everyone has a lovely evening!

What do you save money towards?


  1. Great idea! I need to do that. We are currently saving for a house. I would also love to go to Hawaii!

  2. I have a Tiffany's bag in my closet that I stash cash for clothes in. Marcus is completely fine with me shopping, but it's nice to just be able to buy something and not really fret about it, you know?
