Sunday, December 5, 2010

Finals, One Acts and Strange Traffic Sources

My first final in college is tomorrow... What a weird thought. Didn't I just start school?

The final I have tomorrow doesn't worry me as much as my Tuesday and Wednesday finals. I studied for the Tuesday one today and I'm going to study for it more tomorrow. Still, I feel worried. I'd like an A in English, but I think it's most likely going to be a B. Blah. We'll just see.

I do not like you The Aeneid
We had the One Acts tonight. I think I did well! A little shakey, but I chilled out after awhile. I'm glad that I was able to do something like that! Just learning a little bit at a time...

Like every blogger, I like to see where I get viewers from (if any sometimes). I know that my mom looks at it, but I was curious who else thought my ramblings were a riveting read. This is where I came across some odd information. See below, but just look at the circled one:

See what it says near the end of that URL? Buy Viagra... seriously, what the heck? Why would... I have no idea. I've never seen it on my traffic thing until this week. Maybe they just like my blog?
I also looked at where my readers/lurkers were from. This is what I came up with:

I understand the U.S., but Russia Denmark and Malaysia? Huh. Russia's been off and on since I've started too, and I can't figure out what URL it's from. Well, it was an interesting thing to see.

Time to get a little more review in! I don't want finals to be here, but I can't wait until they're done!

What's the strangest referring URL you've ever had?

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